
Beat me to it.

I saw them live at the '95 Lollapalooza, and I can say that despite genuinely disliking the band before (and after), they put on a great live show. (why bother seeing them at all? we didn't want to give up good spots in the crowd for whoever was on next).

No! It only makes him stronger.

Right? It has to be one of the odder choices made by a major label art department in the '80s.

That's what I love about this white supremacy, man. It gets older, oppression stays the same.

"If Idris Elba can play a Norse god, then why can't Matthew McConaughey play Kunta Kinte?" - somebody, probably.

This is the darkest timeline.

Most of the video is your standard, nothing-special '80s rock video, but the last 20 seconds are like the MTV version of Hemingway's six-word short story.

I recently watched the video to the original (long story), and it has a surprisingly dark, completely unnecessary ending that I somehow never noticed before. Go back and watch it.

Scott Aukerman's way too nice for that.

To be fair, most of the names Cavett dropped were those of living people. (let's pretend I'm clever enough to come up with a Dennis Miller-style obscure reference that also satirizes him)

It does seem weird to be able to actually choose to watch Seinfeld and pick a particular episode. Since it's been in syndication for so long and so ubiquitously, I'm used to it being something that you just happen upon when channel surfing. I like it well enough (used to really like it) and it's a classic sitcom yadda

That's too complex. Could you dumb it down for me?

Post-punk icon Bob Mould as pro wrestling mastermind is still my favorite unexpected music fact, and seems to delight and surprise when they first hear it.

Is there just a Billy Corgan news generator somewhere that alternates between using the terms professional wrestling, old bandmates, and cats?

There's influence, but "rip-off" seems a little far IMO, but to each their own. I actually wouldn't mind if Ian Svenonius ripped off previous Svenonius projects a little more these days.

Don't worry, they're finding new skale gas all the time.

This made me straight-up chuckle, although I don't really agree. A couple of suits does not a nation make.

They were pretty influential at the time, partially because they introduced a lot of people who watched MTV but didn't really know about the hardcore/punk world to hardcore, without losing any cred from people who were already in that work d(well, mostly).