
The new, new noise?

Hmm… i like little guys stickup up for themselves against big corporations, but I don't like seemingly frivolous lawsuits wherein someone tries to copyright the concept of powered body armor. Tough call. Better just let BoingBoing write conflicting pieces on this.

As a survivor of a band with an awful name, I can commiserate. It can happen to anyone.

How are there no terrible ska puns on this list? Punning ska bands are one of our nation's most important renewable resources.

That must have been a harsh vat of Faygo that he fell in.

Which is also funny, since Geddy Lee by all accounts seems like a pretty decent guy, whereas Gene Simmons seems like Gene Simmons.

Yeah, I don't know what it is about Rush—I've heard that Geddy Lee speaks like an ordinary guy. But they do produce fans with a disdain of people who aren't Rush fans and music that isn't Rush, although it seems like a vocal minority. It's like the exact opposite of the Kiss Army.

Grey's Anatomy has some plot lines that would make a telenovela roll its eyes, but I'm not going to tell anyone how to have fun.

Easily Belle and Sebastian for me. Being a pretentious college radio DJ at the time, I just could not take the immediate, intense, twee devotion of their fans, and somehow managed not to listen to them for years (not an easy feat). Then a friend was playing them one day and I was all like "Who's that? They're great."

I got a feeling…

I'm just happy to see a Nation of Ulysses reference

All interviews are exchanges. The interviewer wants a "get" in order to have viewers, and the interviewee wants to promote something, in this case a movie about comic book people and robots.

You're right about that: there's no debt attached.

But what about postmodern architecture? Sometimes it's fun when a building playfully critiques traditional forms, and sometimes it's just some smart aleck bullshit that we all have to look at for the next 50 years.

Damn, you're right. There is no certainty in this world.

Ok, so it seems live we've settled on double quotes instead of single quotes around Bonnie. Either's fine, but my iTunes gets confused.

Thanks, Internet! I remember this movie being terrifying as a kid, and completely worthy of its cult classic status when seeing it again in college.

I think we can all agree that he was never meaning no harm.

Wait, they made a horror movie with malevolent outside forces and teens drinking? Better get out your check-writin' pen, Whedon.

Yeah, it always seemed like the kind of band that we were rebelling against at the time, so it seemed weird when most of those guys traded in their glam metal baubles for flannels and a more earnest sound. MLB sounds especially dated these days, but they're not bad tunes.