
I remember at the time that the joke was that you could play a lot of Hunger Strike on a regularly-tuned guitar without holding down any fingers, so let's just assume I went with something about that.


Ladies and gentlemen, I'd like to present to you, for the very first time, someone calling Clint Eastwood "scrawny".

I like how the judge notes that the defendant is displaying "some bustdown behavior".

And does anybody love them?

I stopped at freshmen-level physics, so I'll take their word for it. Still though, it seems like there should be values for the stone's mass, Legolas's mass, and the force that he can push off with that should make it all work, but then again, it seems like I should be able to remember the right-hand rule, too.

In many cities, there are restaurants that trade on the pseudo blue-collar appeal of diners complete with folksy names, but actually serve food that is significantly more expensive and/or upscale than one would expect from a traditional diner. Places that have chefs instead of cooks. I took it to mean that she was

Ouch. But that last joke wasn't bad.

Has anyone here actually seen the movie? It's been haunting my netflix, but I haven't bothered to watch it because it just doesn't look very good. Most of the reviews are concerned with the whole international incident kerfluffle rather than the movie itself.

Maybe the rumors have been greatly exaggerated.

Yeah, his production is both inventive and carried out really well, but I can't understand why anyone thinks he's a great rapper.

If we're going to get nerdier about already nerdy stuff, the author is making some assumptions about weight. It's entirely possible that elves are much, much lighter than humans of the same weight and apparent build. Maybe they have bird bones or something. That would certainly change how gravity affects them relative

You would order it as a Half and Half.

If you're going to have a band name—any band name—then you should damn well know what it means. Partially because oh come on, and partially because people are going to be asking you about your band name all the time and you will have to have some kind of answer.

Don't you mean "Suite I: I shall Cut you (So Badly)"?

I haven't checked in with Hayden for a few years now, but this is pretty good. Edit: I wish these were real drums.

If they changed their name to Charlie, I would almost have respect for them.

Edit: good band names are really hard to come up with, y'all.

I actually think the Long Knives are ok not great (and wouldn't have described them as shit alternative metal, but wow, I was totally ignorant that that their band name had any meaning other than sounding pretty killer. So thanks for that.

To be fair though, being offended is a pre-req for a fair amount of Oberlin classes.