
An old man accused of raping three dozen women films a promo piece where he sits in his PJs on an armchair in front of a stage curtain. It's so tone deaf that it's almost like he's losing his facilities.

They often performed drunk?

What I've learned from this is that there's a He-Man wiki, and it's just about as extensive as you would imagine.

It's an age/culture thing. If you were in high school in the 80's/early '90s and dated even vaguely "alternative" (remember when that was a thing?) girls, then there's a near 100% chance that they had a Siouxsie cassette or two lying around. Even the punks admired her as part of some sort of canon. She was just that

There were some genuinely droll moments here, which is all one can reasonably expect from a Wes Anderson parody, so I say Good Job, Internet!

I guess there's a pendulum that swings from fantasy/sci fi to realism, but this particular swing seems a little more fantastical than most (not that I don't watch some of it) and more common on major networks/primetime (Fox wasn't really a major network until the mid-'90s). Just an observation.

Do you think that, in about 15 years or so, we'll look back on this era of fantastical TV premises with a detached bemusement? Like, "Hey, can you believe TV had weekly shows featuring the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse and at least two with modernized fairy tale characters?"

Memory Palace!


Thanks, I had no idea.

I don't know, he's arguably as well-known for his spoken word and writing as he is for music, especially lately.

I'm listening to this and it's entertaining, but Heidi keeps saying "Rollings" with a G, and it's driving me a little nuts.

I wonder if Rollins is telling the truth about Rollins Band here, or if he's a LIAR YEAH A LIAR.

Don't forget the Zach Braff Kickstarter backlash.

Yeah. Riggle is funny in small doses (he was great on The New Girl and The Daily Show), but it remains to be seen if having him anchor a show isn't just way too much.

I get that the King of Queens theory of incommensurate pair matching is real, but Rob Riggle is not exactly a fat slob.

You might try having your career spectacularly revived by being in Pulp Fiction beforehand, I've heard that helps.

Dammit, I was too late.

Blink twice if he's still in the room, Scarlett. Help is on the way.