
How to Get Away with Murder 2: Reasonable Suspicion Drift

I don't know that he got away with it, considering he escaped punishment, had all trial fees paid for with profit, has managed to escape subsequent infractions unscathed, and became a minor folk hero to the sort of people who value truthiness over truth… no wait, he totally got away with it.

Funeral arrangements include a small service and being fired into space in a torpedo casing.

We expected them to know the names of people?

This happened to me, too. At first, when my Facebook feed blew up with this damned dress, I didn't understand why anyone would think it wasn't white and gold.

Fair enough, but there's a difference between "this looked badass when I was young" and "this was pretty darned wry when I was young."

Thanks for saving me from looking that up. The Sex Bob-omb songs sounded a lot like Guitar Wolf to me, in a good way of course.

Several years ago, I met a fellow with a prominent keytar tattoo. While I've never been a big fan of that whole "what it will look like when you're an old man?" complaint about tattoos, it's going to be difficult to explain the situation irony of branding yourself with a instrument that was popular 75 years ago 50

I remember watching Scott Pilgrim vs the World and thinking that the songs were surprisingly decent.

Or go the Mackaulay Cuklin route and sing exclusively about In-N-Out Burger as the Double Doubles.

Confession: I don't understand Net Neutrality enough to accurately explain it to a 12-year-old (the true mark of understanding something), but Ted Cruz doesn't like it and Boing Boing won't shut up about preserving it, so… yay?

I think they should double down and be The Single Singles.

When you were young you were the king on common carriers

Whatever, I much prefer On Avery Isla—ok, I can't even pretend that.

Are you suggesting that Steve Buscemi play the fish riding a bicycle in this miniseries?

Is one of Ultron's powers sewing confusion by creating an inconsistent lighting direction?

He's been talking to Marc Ruffalo off-camera.

They're looking all over the place. It's like when five people try to take a group shot at once, and everybody in the group is looking at a different camera.

I was going to mention that video where they get SNL people to play them, and essentially parody themselves, and how they seem like pretty good sports about the whole "interchangeably precious city dweller Americana" image, but then I looked it up, and it was actually Mumford and Sons. Oops.

Yes, they are wrong. It's a big world out there, with lots of people in it.