
Not exactly a sympathetic character, the devil…

I have the suspicion that Michael Cera would cop out when there's danger all about.

…with purchase of another novelty rapper of equal or greater value?

You'll find yourself in a lonely place with that opinion.

I love Joy Division, but does every cool thing that existed need its own mausoleum/museum?

Is it right in town, or does it have some Isolation?

uh… midi-chlorians?

The Jones/Bee combo could be really nice, and a dual-hosting worked well for SNL's weekend update, but then again, I'd never argue with someone who studied under Red Sheets.

Wyatt Cenac is great, and I really like his work as a correspondent, a standup, and an actor (seriously, check out Medicine for Melancholy if you haven't already), but it's hard to imagine him anchoring a show day in day out. He seems to operate as an outsider's outsider, critiquing culture even as he's critiquing the

What is this, The Onion?

"You can't take the sky from me".

well now you're just trolling.

I'm grateful for any news headlines that don't include the words "alleged" "victim(s)" and "Bill Cosby".

Much less depressing than the new album Bey Change.

Music is powerful; the feelings or memories that it can evoke, more so. While I've never "lost" any music that I really loved due to heartbreak, there are a few bands or albums that fit together so well with specific times and places in my memories that I have no interest in revisiting them, even though it's been many

Fair enough. It might be fun to have two hosts, like SNL's Weekend Update.

I agree that she'd be great, but what about Aasif Mandvi? I haven't heard anyone mention him.

"2. I've heard he's a geniunely nice dude to fans that meet him"

That's a terrible pitch, you should control it.
