
Well, it might come down to politics then. Her act is about her personal experience, just like many comedians' acts. It's not too surprising that her personal experience is affected by being an out lesbian in profession dominated by people who are not out lesbians, so she talks about that stuff. It's like Hari

"you shouldn't come and say critical things about something you could choose to simply avoid" is a bit of a straw man. Nobody said that she's unassailable or above criticism. Among stand up comedians, I have plenty of criticism for her act. But we're not talking about criticism, we're talking about a focused level of

Well, yeah, I guess I do understand, but the level of freaking out seems incommensurate with a column on a website. I don't want to reduce it to "privilege freaks out when it's called out", but that seems to be the case here.

Respectfully disagree. About it belonging here, not about why you visit, of course. It belongs here because this is a publication, and the same editors who publish all the other stuff you like use their editorial prevue to publish this.

I just realized that the middle guy makes that same expression in every photo. That probably means that he's practiced it in the mirror, which tells you every thing you need to know about this band.

I really don't understand the ire this column provokes.

I think it's ironic. Like how big guys are nicknamed Tiny, or how how only Olympic-level goths can get away with wearing white. If you see a goth in white, tread carefully—she is not impressed by your simple Unknown Pleasures t-shirt. Not that I'm speaking from personal experience or anything.

So… Night of the Living Only Mostly Dead?

Each of those is easily dismissed, though. Toxicological and physical evidence passes (if tested for at all), eyewitnesses have no reason to come forward if they're also accomplices except their own moral fiber and many reasons not to, security camera footage gets erased every x hours…

It gets complicated, depending on the contracts. For example, the contract might say that he gets paid a guarantee no matter what, leaving the venue that cancels the show of an alleged rapist to still pay that alleged rapist, except without the offset of ticket sales. Some contracts have moral clauses, but some don't,

It's still cool to stream that Josh Rouse album, though, right?

At risk of being the first time a music fan ever disagreed with a critic, I really like the opening riff. Rather than sounding like a random assemblage of chords to me, I love it sounds energetic and disjointed and circular all at the same time, kind of like power pop carnival music.

Me too… but I like it.

So, they're at -1/3 then?

Damn. [the torpedoes].

Especially not to an American Girl.

Paul Weller could have told him he was wasting his time.

This may be the first actually great Great Job, Internet in a while.

I remember buying an issue of Raygun and not not mistaking legibility for communication.

Well, there is the part about how he claims to have to beat up cattle growing up. So hard that he broke his hand, twice. I'm not sure whether that made it into the movie.