
Not to mention a fabulist. So it's possible that he was making up some of the stuff that makes him seem like a sociopath, who knows.…

So roasts are still a thing?

Cocaine is a helluva drug.

I genuinely enjoyed how much J Mascis seemed to be hating it. He looked like he was looking at something distasteful and couldn't quite believe it.

Woody Allen is admired as an artist, but he's not beloved as a person the way Cosby is/was. Even in Woody Allen movies, the Woody Allen character is often among the least likable, if the funniest. People might think that Allen is smart, funny, or talented, but I'm not sure anyone thinks of him as being a great guy. So

Bonnie "Prince" Billy, "Strange Form of Life" has a of possibilities.

It would be fun to pick one iconic record, and have everyone cover a different song from it.

Love this song, but hard to top Superchunk's version as a reimagined cover (assuming you like Superchunk).

"My Slow Descent Into Alcoholism" would be another good one.

Anything by Magnolia Electric Co.

Silver Jews died when the first kid said "Silver Jews aren't dead". Silver Jews aren't dead?

Straight from the slums of Sotheby's

Don't worry, everybody. America's Mom™ says America's Dad™ is totally cool.

I would love to see a Progressive James Bond tumblr, a la Feminist Ryan Gosling. e.g. "It's Octoperson, thank you."

Same. I must be getting pretty old if I hear about something like this months after it happened.

I kept thinking that it would get better. There are a lot of problems with the show, but Martin Short is like homeopathy: you only need a little, and often it doesn't work.

Like, they meant to do that.

Are you Dave Holmes? Because I read that in Dave Holmes's voice.

It's my understanding that it's a place, a place where nothing ever happens. [edit: too slow!]

Yeah. To be fair, I'm sure they weren't expecting to hear car/house for every answer, although Scott Aukerman's answer gave us nice insight in what it's like to be well-known but not wealthy, because it's easy to assume those go hand in hand.