
When did your friends first become successful? Were your feelings more along the lines of empathetic joy or hating it?

Idea: get Billy Bob Thornton and Billy Corgan to interview each other. After making the obvious "double bill" jokes, sit back and enjoy the endless kvetching loop.

Definitely keep the one about the first big purchase.

I regret that I have but one like to give for this comment.

I don't find it fishy that the first group of women settled out of court. Dragging yourself through a rape trial seems pretty execrable, more so when you're accusing America's Dad™. You'd be guaranteed that the trial would be even more public than OJ's, and you'd be the subject of a ton of animosity from his

There's also the presumption of innocence. It's one thing to hold out hope when a widely-admired person is accused of a single incident, even when it's as abhorrent as double murder, but it's another thing totally to hold out hope when someone is accused by over 20 people.

To be fair, it's not just the View. You could say the same of any talking heads panel show. Just the act of having a platform conveys unearned authority; the bigger the platform, the more authority.

Bill Cosby famously castigated young black men en masse, so I suspect that Hannibal Burress is not alone in taking some pleasure in seeing him taken down a peg. Also, although it would be crazy to compare gruesome crimes like murder and rape, there is some difference between two victims on one night and 21 (alleged)

Of course. That's why everyone quits drinking on their 21st birthday.

I don't like that DC doesn't have anything like state sovereignty, but I absolutely love that they printed up license plates that actually say "Taxation without representation". Edit: there's no "no" in the plates.

Bill Withers: class act.

Green Day doesn't have to prove how punk they are! They'll let a Seinfeld closing montage and a Broadway musical do the talking for them.

I really liked the Lydia Loveless cover, but yeah, GWAR was the best by far.

He looks so much like Superman that actually casting him as such would be a bit too on the nose.

To get around this, I'm going to add "musical group" to the end of all band names from now on, as in The Gang of Four Musical Group is re-releasing all albums.

It's like how it sounds weird to treat data or media as plural, even though that's correct, saying "the data are inconclusive" always sounds off.

I liked Erase Errata well enough, but can we all talk about how weird it is to treat it like a singular noun and use the verb "is"? Like, you wouldn't say The Smiths is coming back, would you? (probably because they're not).

Financed no doubt by all that sweet stolen basketball money.

Don't drink too much, or you'll need an Intervention. *ducks*

Hey! They included [place I don't like], but didn't include [place I live which is interesting no matter what anyone says].