
Doors fans aren't made, they're born.

I like the Smiths and some of Morrissey' solo stuff, but “If Lemmy had written it, I might be concerned” is a beautiful burn.

They were in a relationship for twelve years, had three children together, but he never spent the night, even? Seems somewhat unlikely.

Or you can be a saint and get away with being lousy.

Ok, just incest then. If you live with a kid's mom for twelve years starting when she's about seven years old, then you are her stepdad. Whether or not there's a marriage certificate involved doesn't make it any less creepy. If the relationship with a your stepdaughter's mom only ends because the mom finds out that

All art is personal, but standup is directly personal—there are no characters to veil yourself in, just you standing up there laying out your thoughts. I loved those early Bill Cosby records, but I won't be able to listen to his bit about how Fernet Branca "does the job" without thinking, Oh, he may have been actually

Ok, score one for defending quasi-incest.

Ah, the old question: can an artist's work ever be good enough to make up for the artist's abhorrence?

Meows of Heaven

This would be funnier, but she has a well-documented history of mental illness.

…or ever, for that matter.

They're going to have to work pretty hard to shoehorn in an ironically destructive love of mass transit and/or public housing.

Yeah, good point, although that's true to some extent whenever a new actor takes over a well-known part. It's just that the return to a classic villain seems distinctly rebooty. Not that that's a bad thing for a franchise this long in the tooth.

Should the lasers be shark-mounted or regular?

And thus, Bond gets into the reboot game.

"…and no, it’s not about a guy who gets murdered and then comes back to life as a butterfly-themed spirit of bloody vengeance."

Well, that makes one of us.

I wonder if Tori Amos will have a cameo.

This could be great. Gordon-Levitt's done really well with genre fiction, and if Gaiman's happy and they just pick one story arc, then it probably won't be a Keanu Reeves Constantine situation. Now if they can get Dave McKean to do the posters…