
At least this opens up an opportunity for Camille's social media presence.

I think Prince just realized that twitterers have co-coopted the writing style he's spent 30 years perfecting, and he's had enough. Sorry, enuf.

I'd be riding horses if they let me, sleep outside at night and not take flight… Everybody needs a macro, but there's a micro by my side.

How on earth did I miss that? Oh well, I'll have to be less homeopathic in my AV Club scanning.


Get ready to hear a lot of promotional material pronouncing it "hashtag Winning".

It was a dumb joke. Since homeopathy "works" by not actually addressing the cause of illness, then not addressing repeated use of the same word or addressing other things instead would be a homeopathic response. Or something.

No "Thank Your Lucky Stars" by The Smiths?

The homeopathic way would be to not really address it, so well done there.

I enjoy Emo Phillips and liked this interview, but does it seem to anyone else like he says homeopathic a lot? The first instance was pretty witty, but by the end, it was either his own running gag or a case of "you keep using that word…"

The AV Club
…it doesn't really matter.

I don't see a reunion unless they had new material. They don't seem like that kind of band, and anyway, I think Joe lives in Italy.

I have nothing snarky to say about this, I'm just happy.

Handsome but in a non-threatening way

Glad I'm not the only one who read it as Paul Ruud.

But what could that be?

Did the other comment about privilege being called out get deleted? Because that would be ironic, and not in the fun way.

This column seems to attract an unusually high amount of vitriol. I get that people may or may not like it, or that they may really, really not like it, but people seem personally offended by its presence, and equally offended that every column isn't a stand up routine. It's just a column.

"…because I would be performing for free, which would make me a scab."