Imagine if both of our stories happened to Whitney’s “I Will Always Love You” instead
Imagine if both of our stories happened to Whitney’s “I Will Always Love You” instead
No, I’m just weirded out that the fake story is “Oh I fucked over this Spanish speaked dude by convincing Immigration that he’s illegal” & it’s supposed to make people laugh. I mean, if you’re making up shit to share, might as well go for something funny, no?
It started out as sniffling around the time the first verse ended. Then it went down hard and I thought I would save some pride if I concentrated on finishing the song instead of crying ugly sobs. By the time I was at “Pain is all you’ll find” I stopped singing altogether & cried into the mike - big ugly sobs. I cried…
Right, that’s kind of the OPPOSITE of the point of pissing contests.
I had “I’m Every Woman” playing in my head by the time I got to that part.
I started sobbing in the middle of karaoke-ing Careless Whispers. Then I went home, collected everyone’s pet poop & mailed it to his office.
what the fuck
holy shit
Truth. It’s tricky with Obama - with Republicans, they blame him for everything and say the most racist shit, and liberals let him get away with his warmongering, his policies with made executive killings of US civilians as ‘collateral damage’ okay & never, ever said a word about corporate crime
Obama covered up a lot of shit from the War on Terror though. He created a formal policy making extrajudicial killings of US citizens as ‘collateral damage’ ok. Drones still kill thousands of people. Millitary contractors are profitting just as much. His administration set back constitutional rights, created a crafty…
Wiz Khalifa?
I hate that people ignore the fact that Hillary also lobbied congress over the expansion of the War on Drugs & mass incarceration. Obama committed many wrongs - including his formal policy allowing him to kill any US citizen, where President Bush had a citizen killed as collateral damage, he killed two & made…
bang then brag
It’s not a 25 years sentence, it’s the minimum requirement they need to serve before they can ask for a parole. The requirement in US is actually less for a life sentence -it’s 15 years. The Life Sentence is just that - a sentence for life.
Yep, Jezebel needs to up its reporting style though. Lots of confused people here.