
I know exactly the picture you mean and I am sure I have it on my computer. Trying to find it...

It's really a shame. This is the reason I try to learn as little about the lives of people whose work I admire as much as possible. I'm going to try to forget all of this now.

In all fairness Padma Lakshmi is, well, Padma Lakshmi. At least it wasn't a Kardashian.

Rushdie is also admittedly a fan of Entourage, and it's not clear that he sees the irony in this.


I'd love to, but I've never known someone with a Nielsen box!

I can't tell if I think octopi are cute or creepy. Anemones definitely creep me out, though.

I will again stress that I had no intention of being factually accurate with my refusal to acknowledge cucumber rolls as being sushi. It's purely emotional.

News to me! Makes sense. But I will maintain (incorrectly, I'm sure) that vegetarian sushi should not be called sushi. It's just wrong.

A giant cucumber roll? That shouldn't be eligible on account of being boring. Isn't this maki, by the way, and not sushi?

It seems high to me too. The numbers were from 2005, though, which means it could potentially be worse now. I haven't been living in the US for the past few years so it's a bit hard to imagine.

I have, but I took those people to be just that—Walmart people. Apparently I can find them everywhere, now.

I just checked and recent results say the average in the US is 190. I knew it was high, but not THAT high. Holy crap.

Wonder what would happen if he were to face off with Dick Armey?

They do this in Chicago, too, but it's intentional there.

"Excessive salivation, perspiration, vomiting, dizziness, weakness, paresthesia (numbness) around the mouth, and low blood pressure [...] loss of coordination, severe muscular weakness, and bradycardia"

Something I definitely don't have most of the time. I sometimes slur, though! So here's to hoping someone is hard at work on that technology.

Aside from a time-based lock, would it be possible to have this done through voice recognition (maybe detecting slurring?). Then again, it seems to have enough problems with accents already, and likely it would just think everyone is drunk.

You know what's more obnoxious than actual trolls? People like you. Everyone that disagrees with you and tries to correct you automatically becomes a troll in your eyes. You know any rational person would agree with you, so everyone else must be an idiot, or more likely, a troll!