Sister Ruth

I never noticed the parallels between the two until you mentioned it, but I agree, White Bear was more impactful. I still have to finish the latest season because I've found it kind of "meh".

Same, not a fan of the film, but that score! I saw Ringu on a poorly transferred bootleg VHS my dad bought for me on eBay and it was truly terrifying. One of the best movie-watching experiences of my life.

Jesus. I didn't know that!

Last winter I was reading The Kindly Ones and discussing it with a friend. She then gave me a stack of "fucked up books". One of them was Cows bu Matthew Stokoe. It was just so unpleasant, but thankfully short. There's one description I won't forget: A cow is being slaughtered and when the skull is cracked the brain

There's a scene where Malcolm McDowell walks into a bathroom naked with a piece of something on his chest. It looks like a piece of deli ham, but I'm guessing it's supposed to be membrane from his transition? Not sure because I never made it past him peeling that shit off his chest and eating it. I never thought I'd

That final montage of everyone just laying in the fetal postion is the best way they could have ended it. I always end up the same way.

I went through such a ride in those last seconds. Like, I thought it was a misunderstanding, he's s good guy! He can't have done that, then it just hit me that, yep, it's true.

I remember the description of the remains church massacre where there is so much dried blood it had formed a black pudding on the floor.

I recommend/don't recommend Let's Go Play at the Adams'. I haven't read The Collector but I had a similar experience reading that. It's very loosely based on a real life case, the same one that inspired Jack Ketchum's The Girl Next Door (and that real life case irself was made into the Ellen Page movie An American

Vomit is the one bodily function I can't deal with, real life or pop culture. My pop culture tolerance has come a long way but goddamn those scenes I just couldn't look at.

I had seen the film a bajillion times before I read the book, so when I finally got a hold of it, I opened up to random page and that was the scene I came to. The remember the words "rat" "cheese" and "tube" jumping out at me as I put everything together.

I viscerally remember Ren removing his teeth? And then there's just nerves hanging from where his teeth were? Then he begings pulling the nerves out? Even 5 year old me couldn't believe that was on a kid's show.

I recently found out the same actress played the person behind Winkies in Mulholland Dr. At least for me that explained why that nun was so fucking terrifying. I thought that screaming old man was awful too and dreaded both of them the whole time.

I've never brought myself to watch Gummo because of this scene. I've had people describe it to me over the years and I just can't.

I'm pretty sure I shared this story before, but to sum it up- I was obsessed with hardcore horror as a teen and got a bootleg of Cannibal Holocaust. I'm a total wimp about animals so I was not prepared. I watched it all the way through, but the turtle scene was too much. Afterwards, for a palate cleanser I put in the

I agree, the endless beating just drains all the energy out of you. It's worse than the later stuff that is so infamous. Martyrs is the only movie I've ever felt bad showing someone. I have a friend who is into horror and had been hearing about it, so I showed it to her. The look on her face after it was over

I was truly dreading this episode but it freaking won me over. If the series continues I hope they go in a whole new direction, storywise. Losing Emma and the Charmings, maybe Regina and Zelena could be witchy Angels to Gold's Charlie. Bring back Ruby to be the third angel! I just want a show with those 3 camping it

He is soooo teenage-me's type.

They're doing a great job of slowly introducing that element. Also the food coupons Rita gives June, with the pictures of food with no writing, and the packages in the store.

As a gay dude, I don't see how it's homophobic. He not trashing the joyful act of cocksucking, but the sad duty-bound subservient kind of cocksucking.