
I was pointing out the problems with having an open relationship in an earlier post, so I'll point out the benefits now:
(1) When I first opened up my relationship (some five years in… it's currently going on ten years), I was seriously thinking about just leaving my partner. But being with other guys in quasi-date

I get the sense that Patrick was just Kevin's excuse to leave his relationship, and ultimately Kevin will leave Patrick when another cute toned nerd twink comes along. Even if Kevin doesn't quite realize it yet.

Well, ok, maybe not "horrible." But Richie did say that Patrick's relationship with Kevin is "what's wrong with the gay community," according to Richie's new boyfriend. And Richie did call Patrick a "homewrecker." At the very least, Richie has serious problems with Patrick's moral character.

Regarding the commentary on "gay culture," I'll put it this way: I have an open relationship, and after this episode I was like: seriously, why the fuck do I have an open relationship? I get the feeling my partner isn't quite as into having an open relationship, and frankly I think it makes him feel like he's in

Actually, it'd be appropriately bittersweet if the show ended right here. The fact is, Patrick and Richie were made for each other, and Patrick was too fucking stupid to realize it, and now maybe it's too late, because Richie knows what a horrible person Patrick is. And so Patrick is stuck with his dumb decision to

Totally! It's crazy that it's in San Francisco tech land and there's not a single fucking desi on the show.

Seriously praying the HBO gods renew this show for one more season where Richie and Patrick finally get together. Or just cancel the show and replace it with "The Richie Show," where Richie moves to Mexico City or some shit, and we just follow his continuing adventures and the whole show is in Spanish (that'd be fine

Great episode, but I really hope Richie grows into a (maybe "the"?) main character. He's the best character on the show, and one of the best on TV.