
If the Times sent Stewart on assignment to cover Epstein’s involvement with the businesses of Elon Musk, that was the purpose of the visit - to report on Musk, and in the moment Musk was what Epstein was trying to avoid (evidently he felt safe enough to so brazenly have an underage girl around).

Reminds me of that scene at the end of American Psycho where he tries to confess his crimes to someone and the guy just brushes it off as a joke.

This stupid fucking Stewart column is the epitome of burying the lede. If your interview subject WANTS to talk about his crimes - the thing that he is most notorious for - why the FUCK would you keep veering away? Even if it’s just on background and you feel queasy about violating that agreement (which, please)...

You should have checked state law.  My company said they’d only pay out up to 180 hours.  State law says they must pay it all. 

If no one asked you to do it, it’s extra work.

My last workplace was so chaotic and disorganized that on my final day, I had to walk myself out. My manager (who was pretty incompetent) was supposed to run through a checklist that week; she never did it, so I completed the checklist myself and handed it to the nearest admin. There was also a squabble between her

My last job was a remote position and we held regular video meetings via Hangouts, so when I left, I gave notice via a video call. It went fine.

I’ve worked some very lousy jobs for some very crappy companies. I always dreamed of doing the whole ‘fuck this shit i’m out’ while making a scene. They give zero fucks about their employees so why should I give them the courtesy of being civil. However, I’ve never done that. The worst I’ve done is give them a 5 day

Look at your state laws on PTO/sick/vacation payout. Some states allow employers to cap how much must be paid out. Other states require the company to pay every penny of PTO you have built up.

It’s your boss’s/company’s job to come up with a transition plan, not yours. Don’t do extra work for free. If they ask you to train someone up on something during your notice period, yeah do that. But don’t do the work for them.

Simple rule: Never burn bridges. Ever. You never know.

And more and more men are doing exactly this: pretending marriage is some spiritual journey and purposely avoiding the legal construct. This means that if they divorce the woman will not get 50% of his assets.

Bring Cash

The problem is that real jobs aren’t created equal. Some of my friends are pulling in mid six figures and some are lucky to hit mid five. It’s easy for the wealthier friends to write off an $X dinner, but that’s a treat night for other friends. Plus, a lot of my friends probably couldn’t cover the bill for everyone if

If it’s a small group, we get separate checks, or if we all ordered similarly we split evenly. However, in the event that doesn’t make sense because one person/a few people ordered on different levels than everyone else, put ONE SMART PERSON in charge of reviewing the check, and have them tell each person what they

The excuses people give for not wanting to pay for what they ordered amount to either laziness, self-entitlement and/or an inability to do third-grade math or operate the calculator on your phone (notwithstanding the few cases where a generous friend orders less and s/he is the one to suggest splitting it evenly).

What a huge scam, why would anyone agree to split the check evenly unless everyone got the same thing. If someone tried that shit I would call them out immediately I don’t care if it makes me look cheap. Also, servers that get pissy when they’re asked to split a check are the worst, don’t hate the diners hate your

Nobody in my social group has ever tried that “let’s split it evenly” crap and no restaurant has ever bat an eye at splitting the check. I think the latter may boil down to usually living in college towns where they’re totally accustomed to single professionals dining in groups (faculty) and brokeass college students.

Some folks like to say they aren’t cheap but deep down, they are. These are the types of people who want to split the bill. They will eat extravagantly while you, a reasonable person, will eat modestly. Then they will expect you to subsidize their extravagant ways. These people are known as Republicans, and you