
My name is Kelly Clark. When I introduce myself , chances are still about 90-95% that I’ll get a comment about Kelly Clarkson.

Ohhhh yessss, he's been my music crush for a while now. So much so that I'm seeing him live next month:) Come to momma.

This probably won't be seen, as I'm a grey, but I once got hurt after being peer pressured by my Girl Scouts troop. I was the noob of the group and apparently could not turn down a challenge to climb to the top of the monkey bars and walk across them. Being very not-athletic, I promptly fell and broke my arm and had

"My 4 year old bother..."

I've been guilty of this. It sounds like an excuse, but I have depression and am still searching for a way to control it. When I'm feeling bad I completely isolate myself. I'll go through a cycle of making plans with friends, because I know it could help, but then not being able to actually leave my apartment so I

Unrelated, but since you brought up "Black Widow" local radio station did a segment about the song and one of the dj's (accurately) brought up that it sounds like they're saying "black widdle baby" throughout the whole thing and let me tell you, CANNOT BE UNHEARD.

I think I need Caitlin Doughty to come and tell me everything will be all right after reading that:(

This is my Ginger, hating her dragon Halloween costume from a few years back. She's a rescue, and IDK that I'd have named her Ginger myself, but she already responded do it once I got her so she'll always be my little Gingybear<3