
They’re answering my question, here. Ha. I didn’t expect to see it.

Go figure I’d get ‘well actually’d’ twice on this one. 

Do people on vacuum cleaner enthusiast sites argue about CR the way car people do?

I grew up in Elkhart Lake, seeing races at the track every summer as a kid. We saw Mario Andretti lose his shit when he ran out of fuel. We saw Paul Newman race. It was a magical place as a kid.

The overwhelming majority of people who claim to speak for the overwhelming majority don’t know what the overwhelming majority actually wants.

We live in bear country. I make damned sure every night that our cars and doors are locked - including the one leading to the second-story deck. Imagine, if all you had to eat was bugs and berries, how hard you’d work to raid somebody’s pantry or center console for snacks.

Who the hell let that Miata driver prop his arm on the door like that? I hope he was black flagged immediately after that picture was taken.

I do like the idea of turning Monaco into a more experimental kind of event. Tournament-style qualifying is an interesting proposal, because the more brackets somebody runs in, the great the chance for a big error.

I don’t fly as much as I used to. I needed help from the 65ish ticket agent at the airport recently, and she was very annoyed with me.

For me, AM radio represents every local public radio station I’ve enjoyed in every town I’ve lived.

Yes. And it’ll sell.

This is a perspective I hadn’t considered. It doesn’t seem far off. 

Lancer OZ Rally Edition.

That’s weird. I’ve had like seven or eight Subarus, and the only one that had transmission problems was my SVX.

Jesus. Six hundred dollars for GA tickets?! I know that inflation is a thing, but I don’t think I paid anywhere near that for grandstand seats when the race was in Indy.

F1 ‘news’ has been so utterly terrible for the past few weeks during this break. This was a rare bright spot, even if it was clearly not actually happening.

Me, without a doubt. 

Hi, Steve. Long-time Jalopnik reader, here. Big fan.

Please don’t actually ride muddy trails. Also, make sure whatever tells you do ride allow e-bikes.

Again, I’m a fan. I keep this dumb thing around because of that. It’s a real classic for all the reasons you stated.