Goddamn you. Take your star.
Goddamn you. Take your star.
A 36-gallon tank that costs nearly $200 to fill.
I freakin’ swear I have seen a Venturi in town. I saw it once. I am positive that’s what it was. I’ve just never seen it again.
Oh, look. A modern Laforza.
That car is America as fuck. And, as somebody above said, ‘that’s not a compliment.’
I saw an E-Type coupe yesterday. That was a surprise.
Complaints about ‘cancel culture’ are usually just tantrums over finding out that shitty behavior is no longer acceptable. ‘What do you mean it’s no longer okay to treat [insert group of people] badly? I thought we all agreed to bully them.’
‘Get woke, go broke’ is a popular refrain in video games, as well. It doesn’t matter how not true it is. It ‘sounds truez’ top enough people that they keep saying it, even if the real reason they do is that they don’t want everybody to be let in.
I can speak to the minimum spec car that will trigger a street race with a Viper. When I lived in Ann Arbor, my company shared a parking garage with Automobile magazine. One time, while driving my Justy home, I pulled up to the lights next to a new, second-gen Viper, most likely being driven by a magazine.
Hmm, that’s interesting. I was just spec’ing a Supra earlier in the week on Toyota’s site. The force is strong with that one.
Like many, I’m super torn. But I think I’m the end on going ND. It’s old enough that I’m not sure I could claim it’ll be ‘reliable transportation.’
Even though this is a very funny trope in wrenching, I’ve been very fortunate to have never permanently lost a 10mm socket out of the half dozen I have.
Yeah, I don’t buy that claim at all.
Holy shit, Toyota.
It’s a beautiful car, but I did not have a favorable reaction to that interior. I am sure the materials are great, but to me it looks like a concept generated for a new Camaro, but eventually discarded.
The only good Harley is a quiet one.
When I lived in Vermont in the late 90s, I took my truck for the annual state inspection. I was used to state emissions inspections in WI, but this one involved stuffing a rag in the tailpipe and feeling for leaks.