
Take your goddamned star. 

I mean, titled or not, there’s no way that Evo wagon is actually here legally, right? That VIN doesn’t make sense. 

F1 teams who find themselves short a driver suddenly should be assigned one at random from FE. And those drivers should be grabbed by a giant claw machine and ascend into the light like the Toy Story aliens.

I agree with you. And may I be the first to welcome you to the internet.

Yeah, my hope is that tomorrow is the last day Mazepin enjoys an F1 car.

I think what happened at the last race was a travesty, and I’m a huge Lewis fan. But I still think it’s totally unfair to put an asterisk on Max’s championship. He and Lewis were both on a completely different plane compared to everybody else last season.

I unsubscribed as well, as soon as I saw him post in support of these idiots. I have watched dozens and dozens of his videos. No more.

And that’s fine until you realize that the default, whatever it is, tends to mean ‘white.’ I know the figures are yellow. But so are the Simpsons, as noted above.

I used to be a big fan of Ayn Rand. People like Bezos helped cure me of that.

My wife and I had a Legsvy off this vintage, in the same color and spec. It was nearly unkillable.

Thank you for posting quality bike content to Jalopnik. You’re the hero we need.

Next week they’re unveiling the TeslaGun for FL and TX drivers.

This is funny, but I do struggle to find a way it’s fundamentally different from my Subarus with essentially the same engine they’ve made since 1966 and a fuel economy display on the dash which goes yellow when I press the accelerator.

‘Subarus are weird cars for weird people.’

I’d like to request asylum. 

Obviously, this is just evidence that we need more guns out there to protect us from all the guns. 

Tires are always the answer, but I will admit that one of my favorite modifications ever on a sports car is a fixed-back racing seat. The feeling of being pinned right to the car by your hips is extraordinary, especially if you’re into the track or autocross.

See, I’ve never understood the appeal of window tint. I mean, I’ve had car with ‘privacy’ tint for the rear seats. I suppose that’s fine. But I had one car with aftermarket tint and I hated it. It wasn’t even that dark a tint, but it was a wagon and I couldn’t see out all the windows very well at night.

I have a thing for McDonald’s fries and Coke. The rest of their food can go to hell. So my wife changed the game entirely when she pointed out that we could visit more than one drive-through in one pit stop.

I’ve always liked Subaru’s solution to this: just turn the headlights off w hen the key is ‘off.’ That way you can just leave your headlights on all the time. Every Subaru I’ve owned since the early 90s has done this. No automatic headlights or remembering to turn them on required.