
Tires are always the answer, but I will admit that one of my favorite modifications ever on a sports car is a fixed-back racing seat. The feeling of being pinned right to the car by your hips is extraordinary, especially if you’re into the track or autocross.

See, I’ve never understood the appeal of window tint. I mean, I’ve had car with ‘privacy’ tint for the rear seats. I suppose that’s fine. But I had one car with aftermarket tint and I hated it. It wasn’t even that dark a tint, but it was a wagon and I couldn’t see out all the windows very well at night.

I have a thing for McDonald’s fries and Coke. The rest of their food can go to hell. So my wife changed the game entirely when she pointed out that we could visit more than one drive-through in one pit stop.

I’ve always liked Subaru’s solution to this: just turn the headlights off w hen the key is ‘off.’ That way you can just leave your headlights on all the time. Every Subaru I’ve owned since the early 90s has done this. No automatic headlights or remembering to turn them on required.

‘This video about spreading my best friend’s ashes is sponsored by…’ is peak YouTube.

So much speculation over Hamilton wanting to quit without a quote from him on the subject. 

Jason ‘ no longer around’ leaves a certain impression, man.

Bernie ran the commercial rights to F1. He did not have anything to do with rules compliance or officiating races. 

That’s interesting. I haven’t looked at dealer inventory, but anecdotally I have been surprised to see a few Wilderness models out in the wild.

So what if you can’t drive stick? No need to apologize for that. It’s a skill you can pick up any time, just like anybody else.

If ever a vehicle needed carlashes, it’s that Pajero Mini

To his credit, republicans have hardly been helpful during this pandemic.

The radar doesn’t tell you if somebody is on course to hit you. The mirror does that. The radar tells you that it’s time to watch your mirror for that reason.

This is an awful story, and I hope the two surviving cyclists recover fully and quickly.

We owned a 2005 Ouback that looked just like the one in the leading image for ten years. It was a fabulous car, and the only reason we bought a new Outback was that I took the ‘05 from my wife.

My biggest problem with this is the engine cover. It’s really bad.

Thank you for your service. That headline made me break several teeth. 

But then the joke wouldn’t be funny.

When I bought my F-150, I started a Facebook group called ‘Liberal Truck Owners.’

I’ve been spinning wrenches on bikes way longer on bikes than I have on cars, and I did not guess that solution. Well done, sir.