This pleases me. Grosjean has a ton of heart, and I wish him all the luck in the world.
This pleases me. Grosjean has a ton of heart, and I wish him all the luck in the world.
That generation Escort was nearly unkillable. Ours survived both my brother and me through our high school years.
That is a group of fabulously-dressed people. Goddamn.
I don’t really push brands, but I stumbled upon this post while browsing Jalopnik. I’ve had a Spectre laptop for about three years and I adore it. I use it all day, every day.
I don’t really push brands, but I stumbled upon this post while browsing Jalopnik. I’ve had a Spectre laptop for…
I own a 300TD, but let me tell you, there’s some truth to them being overrated. I love the car, but the community is an extreme version of that feature of every model-specific group. They think they’ve found The Best Car, and that makes them smarter than everybody else.
I mean, we can all tell this is stupid. Don’t do this, of course. Don’t throw things at other peoples’ cars.
I get your take on the C5. I do. I wouldn’t be seen in one. I would totally have one as a track weapon, but I would hide my shame away.
I agree with you, to a point. I have driven a few supercars, and on the track, no less. An F430 or Gallardo is plenty fast. They’re going to be expensive to repair, but they’re a real thrill.
Came here to say this. Am not disappointed.
This is probably my favorite decision GM has ever made. I have never owned a GM product, but this makes my respect for them tick up a couple notches.
Name checks out.
All organizations, government or not, have limited resources. Detroit is a big city, and once they had to determine where to put 4500 speed bumps, I don’t blame them for devising policy based on a list of criteria. The number of children on a street is a very good factor to consider.
This man knows what he’s talking about. I an an HPDE instructor and time trial competitor. The cars have gotten terrifyingly fast, and somebody who has spent time learning in a ‘momentum car’ has learned that they’re all momentum cars.
All communities devoted to a brand or model have an element of ‘this car is the best, and we’re special for knowing it.’
I meant to answer this one. My son turns 16 in 4.5 years. For now, I plan to get him an 86. Yes, I know it’s a sports car. Hear me out.
As somebody with a rotary, that engine’s weak links are far more numerous than just the apex seals.
Thank you. I came here to ask that one. Like, it doesn’t really matter which way the car is facing, unless it’s down.
There’s an enthusiast out there for every vehicle ever made. That’s kind of amazing.