
Not that it would make an ounce of difference but someone should take several teachers to the floor of the senate and to congress and have them share their stories with the sociopaths in The GOP that think guns and the right to own multiple guns is more important than the life of a child. I want to see the looks on

What’s stunning to me is just how _small_ these sums are, in the context of a Congressional campaign. They’re selling out their constituents—the majority of whom are in favor of stricter control/more limits on high-performance rifles—for a few thousand in campaign contributions??

A ______ has more political engagement, empathy and logical thinking skills than our current president.


You’re assuming God isn’t actually the Devil and the past five thousand years haven’t been an elaborate Xanatos Gambit.

She has her flaws, but good Lord, this vile orange piece of human garbage is intolerable!

Harry’s father was the more handsome of the two dads as well.

I’m DYING over here at “Neil”’s Noel! ;) I’m not making fun of you btw...I know it was a typo, but it make me laugh hysterically.

Oops! He is the more talented, if only I could spell his name right!

fuck those cunts are my exact sentiments of the pro-life movement

Right? Like maybe I’d treat the anti-choice folks like the actually have a valid stance if they stood up to shit like this. But they don’t, and won’t. Fuck those cunts.

These are the faces I had when I was reading Splinter talking about how Hillary Clinton lost the election, and none of the reasons were “because white supremacy and liberal white privilege collided to F us all in the A with no lube”.

Why is talking about the reality of what Black women face anti-Black male? We are always told we’re being divisive when we talk about what’s going on. It’s a great way to silence us and nothing has to change. This has nothing to do with white people and what they want.

Omg this article is fucking perfect.

Y’all realize its shit like this that makes black folks not trust white liberals...right?

Yeah, “Burned By Dump” shouldn’t get these collaborators shit. We’ve all been burned by that creature but most of us weren’t cuddled up to his fleshy wattles trying to get him to love us.

Cunk on anything. She makes my face hurt from laughing.

I am a Brit but it is important that other people see this so they don’t miss out. Watch Charlie Brooker’s ‘Wipe’ series! Also watch Cunk on Shakespeare!

I still haven’t seen s3 of Black Mirror but it is very important to me that Charlie Brooker wins all the awards for everything. I luffs him.