Wrecked Angle

Only he didn’t back through Kickstarter, he backed (well, bought) through their website. Star Citizen missing it’s release date by more than 2 years is ridiculous, the sheer lack of any meaningful progress is ridiculous, the amount of money being blown on mo-cap sessions and fancy furniture is ridiculous. Asking for

Ya think so? I think it is progressing toward the trash can. Opinions and all, but I think the FPS bits pale in comparison to any other FPS and the space flight bits pale in comparison to other space sims ( .. full disclosure: I’m a sloppy lover of Elite: Dangerous ).

I 100% think it is justifiable to think this

Whats heartbreaking to me is seeing the fans who have obviously contributed a serious amount of cash in hopes of getting their dream game realized. Roberts, whatever his intentions, is simply taking advantage of these poor saps without so much as an apology for his misleading fuckery. He drives late models Jaguars,

Star Citizen certainly has become a huge money pit over the years. Like, it looks cool and all but at this point it feels like its too outlandishly hyped up and ambitious. Chances are the game won’t officially come out for many years, if it comes out at all, and it certainly won’t meet the expectations fans and the

This game is going to be the next Duke Nukem Forever. It will be stuck in development hell for years and when it finally comes out it will be behind the current technology and no one will care any more.