Sir Warren Oates

By the way I #StandWithScorsese...but as noted I would have put at least one or two on the list. In the upper 80's/90's of course.

There’s a “lost film” which is basically Jesus as a gay guy. 

He just has one of those faces that looks menacing...even when he smiles...

Technology is just that: technology. My analogy absolutely works because as seen in the films you named, said technology made nothing of value.

The guy that Henry:Portrait of a Serial Killer was loosely based on if memory serves. 

That’s...actually, that’s pretty accurate.

Well I’m also not curious to hear your laments about what you sadly consider art so I guess we’re even, huh?

remind me who helped form ILM again...I’m old so i forget. But either way you’re missing the point in that you could give a new type of amplifier to Eddie Van Halen/Jimi Hendrix and the same one to the guitarists from Creed or Nickelback. It’s not the technology that makes the art great. 

He (I’ll put money on said poster being a guy) will try to use Captain Marvel I’d imagine, or the shitty and dull End Game.

That’s fair: I don’t claim to know the history of Moore’s views. Would it be fair to say most comic fans just don’t give a crap about his opinions?

That ‘feat’ by the way is about as well done as Fox doing the same thing with it’s “Animation Domination” one night. Aka hokey and contrived. I’m glad that it’s making money satisfies your idea of artistic success of course. 

Just when I got that ear-worm out of my is that thing catchy.

Maybe not ‘20' films but that idea of continuity has been done before, especially in international cinema.  So no Virginia, it’s not a new or novel idea. Matter of fact, that premise goes back to the fucking serials of the 30's. The only thing your comic book movies have done is expand the budget.

You know these rabid MCU fans...they want the ‘big’ films in this list despite the fact that they’re unbelievably dull in long stretches

He’s got a ton of talent and warmth, which comes across on films he directs and which a LOT of the MCU (IMO) seems to lack. I think the best directors for Marvel would be James Gunn and Taika Waititi. 

Sure, let’s hear from the guy with the bone in his hair....

I want a spin off with Goggins as Baby Billy more than anything. They could use his look from the 80's episode and give us the Baby Billy wandering years before Eli invited him back to the flock.

It won’t work for the rabid fanbase (or they won’t care) but DAMN if you didn’t nail it with that analogy.

William Friedkin is pretty infamous for giving his opinion on films actually...

Testify Alan Moore! TESTIFY!