As far as I can tell, there is no underwater combat. It functions similar to flying.
As far as I can tell, there is no underwater combat. It functions similar to flying.
Fuck NcSoft. I’m a pissed off Exteel fan.
The helicopter pilot is definitely dead — nowhere to be found. What if the player refused to do anything while that crane is falling down and ended up killing a lot of bystanders? Will the game suddenly spawn Ironman to save the people instead?
Ok, without the title telling me I thought I’m watching a new Prince of Persia game.
The offending part is Donald Trump is no Julius Ceasar.
lol, Andromeda with new thanks. BioWare is officially dead.
All I’ve read is a bunch of excuses and a lot of “Appeal to Authority” fallacy. The point I’ve made is so simple, yet you got all worked up and attacking my credential, which I never even revealed, unlike you. Besides, FPS and Latency are completely different issues that you somehow lump into one as if they are…
The real bottom line is, there is no profit hiring Kaeperknuclehead. He had one job and everyone expect him to that job well, but he rather be a protester — he blew it. The unnecessary negative attention reflected negatively on his performance.
The skill rating system is flawed from the start. I ended S4 with 1520 rating after sitting at 1438 most of the season then placed in S5 with 1753 SR winning 6, losing 3, and a tie, just like you — none of these makes any sense to me.
If MS Word is to be believed, I just read 5,497 words that convinced me that your book is a must have.
They need to add that Lucio with skull bandana — why isn’t that his default skin — it looks so cool.
He said a lot of bullshit seeing that he got his job only because he is Trump’s son — in a political world, that’s called “political hack”. These Trump brothers are trying so hard to get daddy approval. And he talks about morality — how about ethics?
I think the rule “Cleavage must be covered” is for boys also related to the “Pants/Shorts must be pulled up”.
lol, yeah. That Hanzo clone is Green Arrow’s hood with Hawkeye’s shades.
nah, he’ll simply invoke self-defense and the 2nd amendment since he’s talking about terrorist — which includes Kathy Griffin.
They can simply gather data by hours invested on playing. If the player enjoys the match, they are more than likely to go in to the next queue — if they dislike it, they’ll walk away and play something else. I personally hate the skill rating system and as long as it stays that way, I’m not participating in…
In my opinion, he needs to learn how to use his scanner. Then open the scanned image into photoshop. Use another layer to recreate the original label — eyeballing the layout is silly when he has all the technology. Lastly, it’s a bad idea to advertise your printer’s IP Address (2:23) if you don’t want porn images print…
It looks like another Uprising, this time in space. if this is Zero...that might be something to drool about.
Any large gathering of the crowd is a potential target nowadays. I won’t be surprised if the government extend the extreme vetting to cosplayers to ensure that large awesome looking Reinhadt costume isn’t hiding a terrorist or a bomb in it — the birth of Convention Security Administration (CSA).