According to Geralt, using garlic, sun, and stakes against vampires are pure inventions that only works in legends and fable, thus everything in the Buffy series is questionable. Even Geralt won’t bone a vampire, but it’s not out of the question since Syanna might have boned Dettlaff. If she did, she came out of it…
I can handle long loading time. What drives me off the wall is if the loading time is longer than my play time. For example, it took 30s to load a map, but it’s one of those maps that connects to another map I want to go to, so it took me probably 5s to cross the current map then another 30s of loading time for the…
Well, they roll out and who knows when they’ll roll back in, but I can tell you that I did watch Seven Samurai in Netflix both the Japanese (1954) version and the Anime-punk version (Samurai 7). That’s why a list like this is very helpful.
Im guessing he drew it out by hand then kinda 3d modeled it and put it into a 3d printer?
lol , my first impression is that Lucio looked like Will Smith from Wild Wild West...and someone tweeted it. Perfectly hilarious.
There is no justice for a black man in America.
On the topic of cultural appropriation...nobody has any issue with the D.Va skin? Or a double standard is at play?
lol, why would they let anyone market their product in a negative light? You’re not making sense. It’s not that hard to be critical by simply stating the facts.
Reasonable, but incorrect.
They aim for inclusivity and inclusivity leads to assimilation which leads to cultural exchange then leads to racial/cultural misappropriation? All these social justice is giving me a headache. If Lucio decided to wear a Barong, I would be thrilled, not offended. But I guess people these days are overly sensitive that…
Hmm, the toughest part of the Utopia concept is to challenge the idea of “inclusivity” on how to deal with a group of toxic people who doesn’t necessarily exclude others, rather feeds on others like parasites.
So...Tracer’s butt is officially old news. Can we get that over the shoulder stance on Tracer now — huh, Blizz?
A black guy cannot handle a death threat while a white president gets death threat all the fucking fucking hoo.
“...suggesting that there’s some quasi-religious “creator” factory that is possibly prayed to by the Cars-universe population.”
lol, that’s not photoshop. There are islands in the Philippines that sinks at high tide and emerges on low tide. This photo is shot just as the water is going up at sundown. You can literally stand on the island and watch it sink.
A glimpse of my future.
Although BioWare’s other two studios, Austin and Edmonton, also contributed to Andromeda, the game’s director, franchise producer, and leads were all based in Montreal. BioWare Edmonton had developed the first three Mass Effect games.
It’s called reverse psychology.
Arousal is not the cause that’s why science failed. I’m alway under the impression that certain situation raises the subject’s body temperature to a point that it dries up the nasal cavity which results in a nosebleed. Arousal is just a way to raise the body’s temp, but it’s not the direct cause of the nosebleed.