
If you say so there, Mr. Zimmer-poo. Have fun with that.

Retired military here wholeheartedly concurs. Nicely put.

This alone was more entertaining than the last 9,000 F1 races that one of the two Mercedes cars won by default. :)

No way dude! He's hella paying me in peanut M&Ms...that's serious stuff around here.

Darn it! I forgot that the Lone Star Le Mans was today. Curse my wretched soul!

Doesn’t mean he can’t criticize it.

Well...they’re not wrong.

Right? I could have been ahead of my time...a pedestrian slaughtering Mustang Hipster, before it became cool.

3 HOURS??? What the hell were yo trying to sync to...a Commodore 64?

Got stuck behind one of these for 10 seconds back in 2005, when my Mustang was only a week a cracked windshield for it.

My brother. The exhaust manifold in his Toyota Matrix is completely cracked all the way around, just below where all 4 tubes come together. He’s got a helluva commute each day, and that sucker is LOUD.

Also, you don't NEED to use iTunes. FYI.

Right? Clicking on that SYNC button is truly terrible! Ugh!

IMSA (the WTSC’s sanctioning body) added more weight to the car.

I can’t stop laughing. This is a good post.

That’s how they’ve been on almost all of their test cars.

These cars look like a pair of military-spec Ford GTs from some alternate reality where instead of developing a new off-roader to replace the Hummvee, the US armed forces decided it would be much more fun to move troops around two at a time, really fast, and on relatively smooth roads.

This here is a touché and a half, if ever there was one.

89mph in a DeLorean? I call B.S.