
As a lefty, it made me sad to see the changes, but I still played the Wii version of TP and SS with the WR/WRP in my left hand.

It's not often, but some games get me a little queasy. Usually it's just a feeling of being a little light headed. Lots of games on N64 did it (for example goldenye, but i'd play through the feeling anyways). I hadn't been sick by anything in years after that so I assumed it was something to do with how the N64

I'll take the non-Bay designed transformers any day

cool, thanks. But I know the basics of most of them and trying them all out is most of the fun =D

It doesn't always work on the NES games. it's worked fine for me on zelda, but it dropped my metroid progress when I didn't scribble down my code =\

It's interesting to see how the NES VC games compare to the GBA. The NES play just like any of the other VC games (minus a save state) and will even suspend with pressing home or sleep the 3DS. the GBA games on the other hand don't even give you the resume game/reset options on the bottom screen when tapped, put the

The NES ones don't yet either. Though I recall reading something stating they would update them later when they're released on the e-shop. I did see a minus when I just booted up MK:SS - the bottom screen kindly informed me closing the system won't put it into sleep mode while running the GBA games...

There are already ways to potentially get around it. mainly proxies. Tunnel your data to your computer through a secure connection with a server located elsewhere and get whatever you want.

I still have minish cap and fusion for GBA. haven't played the other three, but i'll definitely be playing through all of them. Love this selection. =D

So far the only 3DS game I don't care if the 3D is on or off has been Sonic Generations. With all of my other games (Ocarina of Time 3D, Ghost Recon, and Super Street Fighter) the 3D done well and isn't used to just be obnoxious. For me it makes everything look sharper, more realistic. As if they found a way to give

I wouldn't quite count the number of steps counted as "intent to play." I often carry my 3DS at work where I can get plenty of steps to get those blasted play coins or hopefully get a street pass or two. There were plenty of times that I didn't carry my system because either I forgot it or just didn't feel like

Well, with the ability to make & save 3d video, i'd imagine if you have a video file in the same format you'll be able to watch it. Give it a few days and someone will have it. there were 3d pics available mere days after launch

It wouldn't surprise me if games WON'T be transferable. Nintendo has specifically stated that the Ambassador games will only be available for systems that qualify.

i ordered the one thing i needed from gamestop off their website - the zelda 3ds bundle for my girlfriend!

I smell next week's photoshop contest. AAAAHHH, my eyes!

Except if I recall correctly the ambassador games are tied to the serial number registered to the ambassador program, not the account in general. Your free games won't transfer. =\

I bought this game right alongside a bunch of other games when I got my Gamecube. It was quite a lot of fun. I was actually considering playing it again recently, since i played it on a tiny SD screen, but realized i have a ton of other games I should get through D=

You're doing N1? がんばれ! I'm taking N5 on the same day. Shouldn't be a problem, but still nervous about it.

I've honestly been playing it and glad to have slapped down the money for this game at 8AM.

I've kinda done both. While I was in the Army I got 30 days of vacation a year, which was really nice for going and doing things when I wanted.