
He’s from Canada, which means he was in a bunch of stuff much earlier but will be thought of as having “started out” in the first thing Americans were able to see.

all good, I was being needlessly pedantic :)

Minor quibble, the computers are only X% focused on not hitting things (because 100-X% is the other things the computer is doing to facilitate the operation of the vehicle) but you make a good point: they’re checking on how that’s going thousands of times a second with a degree of consistency much higher than humans

This deserves more stars.

This Is Literally the Way the Wind Blew Me This Time”

Being used to something” does not inherently make something more tolerable and the assertion that it does is a lousy argument.

Money does not make suppressing basic emotional responses easier. (See also: money does not buy happiness.) Should it? It should, according to people who feel they don’t have enough of it, but they usually change their tune upon acquiring it.

Any player that plays a map every day for a month knows it just as well as every other player who’s played it for a month just like beginner tennis players can complain that seasoned players have a wider foundation of strategy to use to inform their play. At some point, the advantages that involve strategic familiarity

Places that are good for cars/parking are always attractive to visitors, because they don’t have bikes there, they don’t know the transit systems as well, they tend to have less time to spend in transit so they opt for taxies and car based transit, etc. But it’s more important that a city is functional and healthy for

You can’t compress entire game packages. I mean .. you CAN of course, but since the vast majority of the assets (texture, audio, animation, etc) are already compressed with format specific compression, any generalized non-lossy compression algorithm on the entire archive is going to achieve a near enough to 0 decrease

Yes, people are very judgey about how people who have nothing to lose - a condition people are convinced has nothing to do with them and they shouldn’t have to care about - actually act like they have nothing to lose. But America is really quite enamored with the falsehood that everyone is directly responsible for

You have a strange definition of recycle. At some point, the lack of more aggressive compression options is unacceptable to you - fair enough - but too much compression is unacceptable to the artists and sound designers who produce the art. (And to some degree the platform owners Sony and MS have a hand in this too

I worked, long ago, on a certain Indiana Jones game where Lucas Arts was adamant that Indiana Jones Did *rarely* used a gun. It ended up having these pretty long on rails shooter sections peppered throughout. It’s hard to reconcile IP holders’ vision of what their property is with the fact that you’re making .. a game.

I feel that argument is only stronger in a market from the past that no longer exists. Today, multiplayer games are typically Games as a Service, and the offering expected of gamers is that you will continue to add content to the game, until that service loses it’s customers and goes out of business. To wit, CoD is

Multiplayer games are games of competition. Playing them against other people is what keeps them interesting. Are tennis players easily amused because they keep playing the same game over and over?

What a bunch of boobs.


It’s still commoditized drama. Nobody’s going to make a reaction video and go, “Eh, that’s was okay, I guess.” The medium itself begs the maker to lean into dramatizing their reactions, which makes it artificial by nature imho. The presence of the camera and the dynamics of content that generates revenue is at odds

Nobody writes about a streamer before they’ve being viewed by a bajillion people, and if you think not reporting on POS streamers is going to cause a bajillion kids/manchildren/basic-AFs to stop watching POS streamers - I don’t know what to tell you. You’re wrong. “Ignore it and it’ll go away” is a terrible thing to