
“You’ve had a tough week mom! Skip the home schooling today, break out a nice glass of red, and plop the teens in front of this 2 hour heart-warming curriculum of life-lessons!”

you answered the question yourself - you know they make an obscene amount of money, therefore the owner of the sound knows they make an obscene amount of money, therefore there’s leverage to ask for an obscene-adjacent amount of money for a sound “so closely-associated with their brand”

Pixar probably has a much better handle on how many artists they need to produce a picture movie, and it probably remains more constant Pixar project to Pixar project. (And with Pixar, the CGI *is* the movie, so to me from a creative standpoint you’d want the full control over the artists and they would be stakeholder

ugh you’re the worst

As I said below, it could be? But it also could not be. I’m willing to concede you may have a right to be more confident as to the authenticity of the props here compared to me. The point remains that while painful, the value of the entertainment is in maximizing the distance between how much it actually hurts (“a

Sure seemed stuck on something, but that was lower and looked to be on clothes to me. Look, I’m not saying it’s not nothing or that whatever they’re doing doesn’t hurt, but wrestling by definition is (highly athletic) performance theatre. If it’s straight from the store barbed wire - even if I don’t personally think

Things not to do with wrestling: take anything at face value.

Not exactly a ringing endorsement of your brain considering your question is posted below an article that tells you the answer to your supposedly sincere question

Pretty surprising, considering how the NFT art marketplace is well known for having sophisticated taste.

“But I’m glad you watched a completely different movie.”

Yikes, based on your critical reasoning skills, it’s actually a little difficult to believe you were sweeping sawmills *after* going to school as opposed to *instead of*

This is what a lazy person does: concludes that any actions that befalls somebody is their own fault, because it’s the path of least intellectual resistance. Every time anything happens: it’s their fault. Neat and tidy. No cause to think about the world. Case closed. Back to TV.

In spite of the distressingly familiar practice of commenters mercilessly tearing down reviewers after they’ve put them on a pedestal (witness Todd Gilchrist)

But I am sure it can be circumvented or with enough donation to an election party have it removed.

It is (after a warning) 600 until the 5th violations, and then you get a water limiting device installed. So I’m not sure framing it as “paying a subscription fee” for those who can is entirely accurate. Of course, if enforcement is selective or absent then that’s a problem, but it’s a different one than just saying

The idea is that car makers can have the sounds they ship with certified for safety, but automakers can’t provide functionality that permits car operators to provide/select sounds they would presumably be able to upload to the car’s software themselves. So sound design should remain a viable product differentiator prov

But this is in reverse. It’s Fortnite, with SF licensed content. This was not a major offence because the venn diagram of people who would get upset about this and the people who play Fortnite are probably pretty darn close to two separate circles (and the emote itself could be played on any Fortnite avatar). Please

The primary motivating factor for men to get to auteur status is so they can stop shaving

Yet, the amount of complaining about fossil subsidies is omnipresent.