
Wow. That’s the weirdest freaking subplot I’ve heard to date. I’m reading that like, “Lady, get yourself a dildo. They come in all sizes.”

So, the musical guest on SNL tomorrow isn’t Ween? Dissapointing...

I think you have no idea what this movie is.

I’m not sure this is the right movie for this rant.

I can’t speak for other critics but using “trashy” is NEVER a guarantee that I’m going negative on a movie. ;)

So Padme was racist too?

I like that even less.

Thanks for this comment, the RDJ placement in this list gave me a huge wtf moment. That was so last decade.

It’s in military years.  0032.  Yeah, that’s it.

And we can’t forget Polk’s poor fashion sense.*

and know what the worse thing is the first two or so seasons wasn’t like that. However once the show expanded beyond its initial audience then it shifted towards the network comedy schlock we have today.

try Lunesta.

I’ve got to say, I was worried about the transition from the 2+ season build to the suicide attempt to the road toward’s (hopeful) recovery. It seemed like a tough needle to thread, you don’t want to wallow and you don’t want to have her magically recover in next weeks episode (with a montage of course). The writers

I wonder who they’re going to cast as John Peters. You know—the farmer?

no in the bad timeline pikachu is stripped of his detective license and deported

They are making Star Wars themed sex toys, including bondage gear, and the collar and leash doesn’t look like the collar Jabba made Leia wear in Return of the Jedi? Are these people even trying?

Thanks for the Wally catch, we’ve updated!

Of course she’s going to pound some scotch at the wedding reception she’s been dragged to by Kara. 

Really strong episode for Mick, but can someone explain to me why they decided to dress Lyndon Johnson up like Douglas MacArthur? That whole subplot for Jax felt really tacked on.

This is like eating a mediocre chicken sandwich at a restaurant and then demanding you also be allowed to eat the beaks and feathers.

A good friend and I take turns doing glitches from the Super Mario Sunshine speed run during sleepovers (yeah we’re in our mid twenties, what of it?)