That was such a softball question too. All it would take is some "Hang in there, blah blah, American spirit, blah blah, hope." that any politician should be able to say in their sleep.
That was such a softball question too. All it would take is some "Hang in there, blah blah, American spirit, blah blah, hope." that any politician should be able to say in their sleep.
experimental hybrid car built by a company you likely know best from lawn mower engines.
This is where a sane system would require some sort of statutory reserve plan in exchange for the bailout.
Gee, I wonder who is better situated to ride out a few months of a reduction in income; a multi-billion dollar corporation with access to 0% interest rates from the fed, or a guy making union scale?
“The factory had at least one case of coronavirus and 23 workers in quarantine”
I’ve been waiting my entire life for the boomer remover! Thank you China!
Tell the olds that libs and millennials are really worried about the coronavirus and they’ll start licking doorknobs just to stick it to us.
Another killer cop who looks like a thumb with a face drawn on it. Do they grow these fuckers in tanks, or is that look the endgame of 'roid abuse?
Until I can hire Cameo on Cameo to send a Word Up to my friends and loved ones, I fail to see the point.
Then you see Gilbert Gottfried is on the site and you realize he is exactly who Cameo was made for.
What we all surely are missing is the wife’s side of the story. Not to sound kink-shaming, but I’m betting this is Annoying Husband Whim #372
Warren was my first choice, but it’s clear now that she can’t win and that she appeals to a lot of the same voters that Sanders does. I don’t fault her for staying in as long as she has (frankly, she was clearly the best choice IMO, both for beating Trump and for actually enacting a progressive agenda, but apparently…
maybe do something different and more interesting with the format
I had an ex roommate fuck up two doors like that before I stepped in. So yeah.
My grandmother was worried I would turn out to be gay because, like, my mom let me wear a beret or something when I was 4. My dad was convinced Trump couldn’t win, no matter how hard I tried to explain it to him, and has been surprised that some of his white friends turned out to be shitty ass Trumpsters. A bunch of…
Direct action, as they say, gets the goods. Sorry Klobocop.
Possibly the cruelest thing you could say about any used car.
Unfortunately, the place it went still isn’t good.
This piece is being sold by “Mark’s Discount Truck and Auto Sales.” That alone gives me pause along with the statement at the top. This motor doesn’t have a great reputation for reliability, and the vehicle has too many hints concerning the lack of care it has had throughout its life. CP Mahk.