
NP, this is surely one of the nicest ones left and $16k isn’t some comically large amount of money. For someone who has nostalgia for these and wants a nice weekend cruiser in the most desirable spec they offered, I could see this being a fair deal.

The speedometer checks out.  The large white numbers are km/h, while the smaller, yellow numbers are mph.  

I voted NP. It’s in great condition, and if you love this generation of T-bird, this is probably the one to get.

I am absolutely loving this terminology, but actually both are frequently true at the same time. The river bottom isn’t solid at all. It’s constantly changing, a source of endless frustration for the US Army Corps of Engineers that has to maintain the channel. But hey, it keeps dredge boats in business.

These 16" guns of the battleship New Jersey are pointing north, right at the Ben Franklin Bridge. If the tides won’t do the job, these will get it done.

I was thinking you would be betting on the flight being on time, not crashing, or things along that line

I’m sure there will be totally reasonable takes on the Phos-Chek and have zero conspiracy theorists providing their expert opinions on the matter.

For reference, the 1993 C4 ZR1 had a sticker of about 67k, which equals a little under 150k in today’s money. I don’t think it’s fair to say this is “too expensive for a Corvette” considering what it offers.

A junkyard dedicated to one kind of car is a bad thing?

Question for those a little older than me: Were these cars cool when they came out?

Easy Nice Price to me!

Now playing

The Fire Dept needs some monster trucks that can just climb over cars.

Perfect car for A Nice Morning Drive.

Things can be replaced, people can not.

24' Wake boat (about 7,000 lbs on the trailer). Mainly towing it to and from Lake of the Ozarks and Tablerock. Very hilly and little to no charging infrastructure (definitely no rapid chargers on our routes).

I feel it is unfair to compare this to the Miata.  A more apples to apples comparison would be the Honda del sol which was just fine with 125hp FWD I4.  I had the Civic hatch version and it was plenty fun and got great gas mileage.  That being said, reliability and parts availability for a Fiat may prove difficult but

What is that devil-voodoo that makes the radio be present in one photo but gone in the next?!?

While they offer flexibility in packaging a series hybrid will *NEVER* be as efficient as a parallel hybrid in steady-state operation. In reality packaging/size/weight isn’t any different.

EVs will be niche vehicles until charging infrastructure offers the same convenience as the existing fossil fuel infrastructure. Case closed. Plug in hybrids are a necessary transition to an all electric future. Case closed.

I’d rather have the opposite: A V8 in a normal looking CTS. I love a good sleeper.