
Nah, this was basically made in a shed, and what was made in a shed can be restored in a shed. And who would be able to tell whether the tailgate you made is perfectly original or not? My neighbor who builds hot rods in a shed in his backyard could fab up a tailgate for that thing in a couple of days. I doubt they

I’m calling this an irrational NP!

Maybe I’m an idiot (I’m definitely an idiot) but what am I looking at in the second photo? The rail installed upside-down?

Nowhere does it say the employee brought the secrets in their head. I’m assuming (lacking additional info) that they brought something physical with them. Imagine walking out the door with a thumb drive of info. 

Isn’t the tech billionaire motto “forget certifications, let’s break stuff...”

Or is that just on submersibles? 

Don’t get dumped while using your BumperDumper. 

I would immediately jettison the tent crap also, but I am especially triggered by this. What the fuck is this shit? Stomp on the filter element until the clips engage I guess.

Oh I like that!

Or buy a beater truck. i firmly believe everyone should have a beater truck.

Even the one under the hood has left the chat and is ready for the rendering truck.

There are criminal cops on the loose all over the country and real, live treasonous insurrectionists infesting both halls of Congress and a large portion of the Republican Party.

Who spends that much money to make an interior so ugly and cheap looking?

Seeing as how Catalytic converters reduce emissions by ~90%, that 2k would be more emissions than the 10k

I say no emissions regulations for vehicles”

It probably took that DC3 a lot longer to get those altitudes than a jet airliner, giving your ears that much more time to equalize.

This thing is a Corrolla, and yes, millions were made, rusted away, cast aside, but this one isn’t just a Corolla.

Did you just reference investment? hahahhaa

For nearly 30k I’d want a concours level car. This is not close to that. The seat wear, the double DIN unit (rad 80s stereos are part of the charm!) and there is plastic damage all over the passenger side (UV degradation?). 

If the seller was smart, he’d advertise that they are Lotus Esprit taillights, give that bad boy some provenance! (Lotus bought them from Toyota)

The last ones to sell for this kind of money were in 2022 in peak market, though they were admittedly in similar condition. I think there’s a time when the owner could have gotten $28k but those days are behind us.