State Farm, not on the list.
State Farm, not on the list.
The problem for NASA, as well as DoD, is what are their other domestic options? There really aren’t any.
NGL many of you most likely weren’t even born yet, however as a kid in the 90s seeing these on the road with a huge body kit and lowered, top off and cruising was so cool to me seeing these as a kid, especially in white on white. Two 12" subs in the back and the people driving around just chilling. You had to be there…
You guys good? was late today
Whenever DoD auditors dare to audit these folks and subsequently fail said audit, their response is “so what?”. They then direct them to the many Congressmen who are in their pockets.
You must scare easily. I found them pretty calm on the street and great off-road. The price and miles makes it ND for me, so we at least agree on that. (-;
The first new car I bought was a 1995 Geo Tracker, and I loved it! I drove it for years, and mu oldest kid learned to drive on it. It was dang near bulletproof! When we finally got rid of it, it still had its original clutch and rear brakes.
The stuff that makes the person think they can charge more is not on my list of wants.
This thing has the contact patch of a great eastern slug, so I would turn it into an offroader (properly), wherein the paint needn’t matter.
3k and beat up? Sure. Maybe 3.5k because manual and low gear. Almost 8 is old pickup…
If implemented, it would apply to all vehicles weighing 10,000 pounds or less
Headlight wipers.
Hopefully he gets convicted by Halloween.
I’m sure it was just an honest mistake on his part as his entire job is to defraud people as much as possible.
Mr. Poutine had a routine to grab a Saleen
I think the only person who would spend 35 grand on this thing already did, and now is going to be flummoxed as to why nobody else wants to buy it from them.
Based on BAT results, this is at least 30% overpriced. And BAT prices.....
That would be a a good conversation piece to have in the driveway, but the stupid high price makes it No Dice.
Very easy NP. Reliable, luxurious and smooth. I’d rock the shit out of this for a lot of highway driving. It’s got another 100k or more easily in it, if the interior can hold up.
Rob, that Buick is a beaut. I remember these cars. Dad had one for a while. Rode like a cloud on the freeway. The Sunday crowd thought it was a little “too much” with the luxurious grille and chrome alloys. They dont make em like they used to. Why doesn’t the fella list this in the Sunday Classifieds so I can call him…