
Unfortunately my day dreams never get past the sex phase. If I do happen to come up with any new and great sex ideas I will be sure to let everyone know.

Tequila and OJ are not just for breakfast it makes a great end to the day.

I think it would be better to show how many vacation days are lost each year. Like many other people mine get rolled over to next year so I have not used all of them this year. I am taking classes at night so if I take vacation time I still have to go to class so it is a little pointless. Anyone who doesn't use their

I am unable to vote since I am not a citizen. Being a rich foreigner man I find the easiest way to maximize my influence in the election is to donate to Obame online multiple time with different credit cards.

@aharris: I really like weatherunderground. It is nice to be able to see historical hurricane data and multiple computer models.

I needed a chemistry book in less than a week so I needed a name I could trust. The Barnes N Noble website lists used books from outside sellers. I purchased a book on the B&N website from a site called [] which is aparrently the same as I got the book in time for my class and at

It can go both ways. An idiot traveler who decides to pack the laptop bag like a carry on bag with liquids inside and everything else he needs. Then is upset because he has to take the laptop and liquids out of the bag.

@HeartBurnKid, creepy morbid freak: Exactly what I was going to say. It could be a yellow bag with a big bright orange label from the TSA and the morons working the check point still would not understand.

@Nabeel Ahmed: I am going to wait for the next version and wait in line for the newer one with more bugs.

#3 Office IT Restrictions:

@jsmorley: Same here. The floating box with the file details gets in the way. The left column with the file structure is just for looks you cant use it to navigate quickly to different drives or folders. The "User Input" section on their site is not working and that is probably a good thing.

I switched jobs a year ago and went from using Unix, Linux and PC to only using PC. I think my IT department is scared of Linux. I have been trying to use Windows Command Line off and on for the past 6 months. I have a few aliases set up to help me out but does anyone know of any good resources for beginners of