
Having graduated highschool in 2009, almost everyone I knew had either a first gen Neon or Chevy Cavalier. I remember them being...pretty awful, but a lot of fun. By the time they were given to us teenagers, they were partly clapped-out by their parents or teenagers before us. I can remember it now, a parking lot full

You’re right! Never has a plane been delayed by wind, rain, snow, or any other reason! People have never once posted about sitting on a tarmac for hours on end with no circulating air! You really are the brightest bulb! 

I had an asshole I once saw FLYING down a left turn only lane while all of us were waiting in line in the Usually crowded right turn only lane in a local busy intersection. I just happened to be right at the spot where the left turn lane turned solid and the right lane continued for a good 1/4 mile more, and popped my

Had the throttle linkage bind in my 78 Camaro Z28. I thought that bird catcher looked ssoooo cool, but apparently a used one from a swap meet wasnt lubed well enough to not stick. Thankfully as soon as the throttle jammed and I noticed I threw the clutch in and turned off the key. You’d think more people would react

But automatic drivers have no idea what neutral is, or what a car is tbh. It may as well be a toaster.

My dad had a few requirements for a new car: Good on gas, comfortable, stick shift, and a sedan big enough to actually carry 4 people for car pooling on his 3 hour commute. He came from the Chevy Cruise Eco 6spd. It was a fine car but had a constant problem with the heater smelling like anti freeze and had an oil

Shouldnt you be crying more?

I bought a running and driving Westy for $3k about 4-5 years ago. Just right before the prices exploded. I saw them going up, always wanted one so jumped on it. I could sell the same slightly rusty, half beat up bus for $10K all day if my local craigslist is anything to go by. 

This reminds me of almost ever NFL team. The fans in Green Bay will volunteer to shovel the stands out of their stadium when it snows. When the super bowl happened in NJ, the NFL asked NJ Transit to ‘volunteer’ their workers to help get more people to the stadium. The NFL also rakes in more money than god, and asks

I’ve had my 500C Abarth for 4 years so far and still LOVE the car! No issues, and was thinking about getting a 124. But I feel as though it could use just a little more power. I wish WISH they would allow the Alfa 4c engine at least as an option! I’d pay more for it. The abarth 500 is  lot of fun but needs another

And you drive what? A Fiat Multipla?

The Chevette is in no way a meh car! Terrible cars have too much character to be meh! A car that underpowered and that ridiculous is actually a blast to drive. Redlining all the way.

if a rear engined people’s car built by the Nazis then pushed forward with the same basic design, adopted by the peace culture, and for the next 68 years built with little enhancements is mundane and boring idk what kind of kinky shit you get off to tbh. 

I Read that...I read all of that. I enjoyed it. Am I a bad person? 

Oof! I actually like the turbo coupe, but 13k for a car that sat for 20 years....Sounds like a lot of dead gaskets. Also why is there no orange in the interior?! Go big or go home kid! 

I usually save up Torch articles to blow through them all at work when it’s slow. However to fight nobly against the grays I am going in reverse order to comment on more “recent articles” That being said, I needed to put this exact chrome trim around the gas door of my 1964 Thunderbird. See, in NJ, we dont pump our

SWEET JESUS! You need to mark stuff like this NSFW! My boss almost saw me looking at this air cooled pornography! I’m reading this just a day after driving around in my daily driver 1972 VW Bus and passed a car show. Drove in to take a look and they asked me to park in the show despite not being registered haha. God I

1975 AMC, sell off assets, and become a niche car company making perfect 1975 AMC products, but sell them in quantities of 250 to get the small manufacturers workaround. Plus you get Jeep! And you could be making new NOS parts! I’m sure there’s SOME money to be made. Besides...I want a brand new Pacer X.

Republican is an asshole. Shocking news. 

Wow...Havent heard the term Baud when it came to modem speeds in a while. My sweet sweet Atari 830 acoustic modem could only push out 150 baud! I wonder if that old girl can still fire up with my atari 800...God I miss writing in BASIC.