Also, as someone who teaches World Religions and has seen a number of his charming and rambling interviews, the guy’s English is not that great so perhaps he didn’t get the point across as he wished.
Also, as someone who teaches World Religions and has seen a number of his charming and rambling interviews, the guy’s English is not that great so perhaps he didn’t get the point across as he wished.
I think there’s some real confusion going on in this article and, then not shockingly, in the comments below. In Tibetan Buddhism, any sex that’s not straight up generic sex meant for creating a new life is considered misconduct. That’s for everyone, and it’s rooted in many things, not the least of which is the idea…
I agree. It's a dad joke.
I watched the video and this is how it came across to me too. Just a like a dad joke.
I can’t watch the video but the part about attractiveness seems a bit like a dad joke gone wrong. Like “of course she’d have to be pretty! After all, the only reason I’ve done so well is because of how hot I am!” *dad chuckle*
“Can I buy that lipstick?” “Sure, I’ll put it on your bill”
A Muslim president would no more turn government control to sharia law than Catholic JFK turned it over to the pope—as many feared. Grow up, people. Besides, with the lack of autonomy to women, the Rs are the ones pushing for sharia-style.
Yeah, this is obviously written by someone who has no dependents to take care of and has some kind of fall back (parents, etc.) that will prevent him from being homeless if he does lose/quit his job. I could easily change it to:
This was one of the whitest, most privileged articles I’ve ever read on Jezebel.
“we cannot allow items on campus that can be perceived to pose a threat.”
Scene- My bedroom, 2 AM, after a bottle and a half of wine.
Players (In a theatre sense, not like, a gross way to say ‘lovers’ or whatever)- My husband and also my me.
We were young, early 20’s, shitty on wine, having laugh sex, where we sort of clumsily bounced around the bedroom, laughing and not totally putting all…
A Story of Few Words: A Sexy Haiku