
That is why you have a filter on you outflow to your drain field. I clean my filter out every 6 months. And I have to do this regardless of garbage disposal because as I said, everyone puts solids down the drain one way or another.

Do I have to have my septic pumped more? Possibly, but that should be done every 5 years

Curious where you get your information. Not saying it’s not true, but I’ve never heard any of it. We use a garbage disposal daily (we exclude some things like bones and fats/oils). We do have a septic, but we’ve never once had a failure and the person say “Oh, this is because you use a garbage disposal”. We have PVC

I’ve never understood super smooth creamy potatoes. Then again I’m from the south. I throw the peels in there and mash till it “looks right”. Nothing wrong with lumpy.

for about 5lbs of potatoes I admitedly use about 2 cups of sour cream and 2 sticks of butter (I start with 2 sticks of butter and add up to the 2 cups of sour cream).

I then finish off with heavy cream if it’s still too thick.

I mean, it’s probably not the healthiest thing for us, but I normally only make mashed

And what people need to do is just not collect that stuff anymore. It’s one thing to buy 2-3 of something to save as a “collectible”. it’s another to scalp it and immediately try and sell it for more.

I’ve just given up on buying crap like that. If I can’t get it at retail, I just don’t get it.

Not that I don’t agree with your sentiment, but the only thing is that the cops don’t get to decide bail. A judge does that.

Wait, so you’re saying there’s a chance we can just pawn him off on Canada?! I didn’t know this was an option!

Thanks for this. My grandson is in love with “baby yoda” (He won’t say Grogu no matter how much I try to get him to..LOL). I got 1 picture with him and when he saw the picture he ran and grabbed his stuff animal Baby Yoda and his Baby Yoda blanket and asked for more pictures!

It was truly great and while I know Google

We order food from restaurants, but we don’t dine in. We’re trying to support the local restaurants, but just don’t see the benefit right now of dining in and the risk involved.

Don’t forget Trump’s history. Has no issues whatsoever not paying people for their work.

I’d buy one of each for $75 each!

I’d buy one of each for $75 each!

It’s funny you say that. I’m normally very anal about putting my sockets back in their case. I just had to replace a window regulator and a few weeks after I got my sockets out for something else and dammit...the 10mm socket was missing!!! (well, one of them happens to have varying depths and varying driver

It’s funny you say that. I’m normally very anal about putting my sockets back in their case. I just had to replace a

I wish I had saw that one....I was dying to buy a switch this season but they didn’t seem to have very mean deals... On the other hand I got a Xbox One X for $170 off. I wasn’t looking for that deep of a discount on a Switch, but most were just “with a game” and I wasn’t too interested in the games.

I wish I had saw that one....I was dying to buy a switch this season but they didn’t seem to have very mean deals...

The Sony ht-st5000 is normmally $1,5000 but from what I can tell the Sony can go up against an actual Atmos system and does so in just about any room. It was $1,2000 for BF and if I didn’t already have a a 7.2 setup I would have gotten it as it would be cheaper than a full setup.

I’ve read some complaints about this LG

The Sony ht-st5000 is normmally $1,5000 but from what I can tell the Sony can go up against an actual Atmos system

Heck my dishwasher has a small garbage disposal in it! Though if I know the dishwasher won't run in the next 16 hours or so I lightly rinse the dishes to get most of what is on them off.

That’s funny, right......”Our Economy is the best! The very bestest I tell you!!”

When talking about Tariffs: “Our economy is suffering because of these imports! we need to level the playing field! this is a matter of national security!”

Why his supporters can’t see that he’s a lying sack of shit always eludes me .

Oops..sorry...I’ve been a bit defensive of my home state lately :)

I think I’d rather a representative who lives off of handouts (welfare, charity, etc) than a millionaire.

Doing recounts makes us a Latin American or African country? How is making sure all votes are counted in a very close race bad?

Now, how Scott, Rubio and Trump are acting is very shitty. I’ll agree to that.

These people don’t take office until fucking January. Calm your shit down. I’d rather us take 2 months to make sure every vote is counted than to just fine a state because they don’t meet your definition of timely.