Sir Lurkalot

Who needs farmers anyway

Dont care about being missed or the name calling it doesn’t hurt my feelings. My point being that writers like Erin have hijacked this site to promote a personal and devisive opinions that are loosely tied to cars. If you want a political site that has a loose connection to cars this is for you. I’m simply stating my

Way to go, Erin. Authoring scaremongering article comprised of nothing but piles of interdepenent hypotheticals—happy with the comments?

Another political piece on what used to be a great car site. No matter what your politics are this used to be a place people could come together and read about cars. Now most articles are divisive clickbait. Erin you seem to miss the point of this site and aren't welcome here.  

So I have to admit that the “Gun is not a tool” argument really grinds me gears as the owner of many dangerous tools, including a table saw, bandsaw, jointer, thickness planer and more. (And to be clear - I am fully in support of the idea of more gun control laws, so this isn’t an argument against that.)

You can’t fix your sink with a car, or a beer. So, it seems to me that it’s just easier for you to tell me to fuck off and let logic escape you. Right on. That’s what freedom is all about.

A gun is not a tool.”

A firearm is absolutely a tool. It’s a tool to put a hole in something at a distance. You just can’t use it for the wrong purpose. Trying to fix a sink with a firearm would be like trying to paint a wall with a hammer.

But in the end Tesla won. Basically the jury said Irresponsible people with fast cars kill themselves or others (akin to people kill people in the gun example). One could argue if the kid’s name wasn’t on the car as an owner, why would the tech listen to him, or at least notify the owner first? But ultimately, the kid

Liberals loathe everything so why should this be any different. 

Every one of these “Solutions” is going to add cost to already sky high vehicle prices- period. No way around that. Seatbelt interlocks were tried before in America, in the 1974 model year. They were instantly hated and legislation was passed to allow them to be removed for the next model year, which was done. We also

I’m gonna say this isn’t the best take.

You know what ALSO solves all these issues?

Education and more stringent licensing requirements.

The DMV tests here in the United States are a joke.

Anyone who commutes regularly will see drivers who we all question if they know what they just did was illegal or if they just don’t care.

Not favoring education or testing

I don’t trust the government any farther than I can throw it, and over the last 20+ years, it hasn’t given me any reason to. The people who run our country are shitty human dumpster fires. They can’t wake pu in the morning without finding something new to politicize and turn into a culture war.  They can’t even keep

I really hate these arguments that some percentage of the population is irresponsible, so the entire population must live under heavy restrictions.

Breathalyzer to treat everyone like a criminal? And that doesn’t do shit for all the skunk-ass sucking pot junkies I smell driving wherever I go, never mind other drugs. Even with acute PTSD, I never did a drug in my fucking life and I hardly ever drank, definitely not before driving, so I’d prefer not to not only be

I think it got amended to, “Drive free and die”

How to never sell another new car in one easy step:

I can state without any hesitation that I would never, ever buy a car with even ONE of these features installed.