
Hilarious and frightening. They (the various FOPs) keep saying things like “These officers performed their jobs professionally and conducted themselves within the law with good intent”, etc.. and I just keep thinking “Oh, so we’re just supposed to take your word for it? How’s that working out for you guys?” and also

If you identify as middle class you are most likely not. That’s the rub.

None of us wants to tolerate it. It’s intolerable. However, they have the guns, the tanks, the ammo, the teargas, the pepper spray, the billy clubs, the kevlar, the shields, the rocket launchers, the seatbelt-free arrest wagons, and a political machine that not only pointedly blinds itself to their criminal, racist,

I thought there wasn’t a middle class in America anymore. Maybe that’s why no one is listening.

Good to hear from middle class America. Now, get of your asses and do something about it.

They can't have their authority questioned

There are some people listening, but generally speaking, they are also fucked.

...or get your spine snapped.

Reading any Twitter feed with “FOP” in the name is really hilarious until you remember that these people are charged with enforcing the law.

What can you say to this? How can anyone tolerate this kind of behavior from officers of the law?

I’ve never commented on Kinja nor have i felt compelled to. But I can’t help myself; the current state of America is completely fucked. Period. And no one is listening.

Comply or suffer.

Considering the cops arrested Kevin Moore, who filmed the Freddie Gray arrest yesterday, it seems clear they want to make sure there are no witnesses to any of their actions. Their arrest of Kevin Moore was pure intimidation, plain and simple. Cops are pissed right now that 6 of their own are being charged.

I hate to break this to you, but this is not out of the ordinary in terms of response/results from these agencies. Most of what I read doesn’t raise red flags to me. It’s just every day bullshit.

Great reporting as always, Diana.

Reading those words, in that handwriting, is absolutely gut-wrenching.

He was still being a whiny jerk about it after the game - that he scored in and they won - was over.

yes, the reporter sounds like an ass, not the coked out perv bar owner with a 2-way mirror in the ladies washroom for peeping. lol

He rambled the whole time. I just listened, and typed.

This guys answers aren't even vaguely coherent. Was he stoned when you called or is he really like this?