
Which again shows your ignorance on the matter. And it actually goes to prove a point. So the gamer who has a child with a developmental handicap sees that word used on the internet, you think they are stupid that they are offended? You think that a parent, like my friend Rose who has a child with Down's, is stupid

Right, like the incidents described in this article where the trolls acted like folks' friends just to better screw them over. It is certainly possible to ignore trolls if you don't know they're trolls in the first place. And if you're not experienced enough to know they're screwing you over, well, that's your fault.

>Oh, I understand doxing, but again, thats your own fault for putting yourself out there.

Stating that something will happen (the Internet is full of trolls, therefore users of the Internet will be trolled) is not equivalent to stating that it is right for that thing to happen (the Internet is full of trolls, therefore it is not wrong for other users of the Internet to be trolled).

Post your SSN and CC#s and then talk to me in a month about how "nothing that happens online can harm you". (assuming you are old enough and financially solvent enough to have CCs) Talk to the parents of the kid who committed suicide because of online bullying. Seriously - that has to be the lamest excuse ever.

So, since a bunch of people in the world are going to be assholes no matter what. That makes it A-OK for people to do so free as they want anywhere including the internet?

Treat others how you would want to be treated. Everyone should behave that way, its that simple. Why should it be acceptable to derive pleasure out of saying and doing things online that would hurt or frustrate you?

So this comment doesn't sound like your trying to justify your own obvious trolling behavior at all. Nahhhh.

That precedent being that the members of a corporate partnership are allowed to terminate said partnership according to the terms of their contract if they believe it to be in their business interest? And instead you would prefer that the government intervene to void the terms of their contract and force them to

It could and probably will end up a protracted court case, but it might not. The NBA Constitution, which Sterling agreed to when it was ratified, treats the decision of the board that hears his response to the vote to force him to sell like a binding arbitral decision. The US court system is generally overwhelmingly

good grief what do people not understand? between the 1st amendment nut jobs and the taking his property clowns I am starting to think a lot of people out there didn't finish high school..hell maybe even 8th grade.

Would they oust the husband? Or would they leave the husband in?

Naturally the winter coats also carry smallpox.

Thanks, dick. You made me spit up my black coffee.

When questioned about his decision to send the letter, Snyder explained that it was insensitive to the Native American community for Arrington to call himself a "Redskin" when he was clearly "a Brown."

Kerridge would have been better off at UNC. No one there would have given a shit about his missed assignments.

Yeah, and when Nike runners adopt the same level of myopic douchebaggery that Vibram squawkers do, you'll have a point. Tell me about all the times that you've been told that the Air Max's changed someone's life.

Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha, FUUUUUUUUUUUUCK every single dipshit who dismissed the word of podiatrists and physical therapists the world over, preached the benefits of these things like they weren't the victims of a successful marketing scam and thought they'd just somehow stumbled onto the

People also like to mock other people who fall hook, line, and sinker for a company whose entire purpose for being is scientifically debunked. Isn't it time for you to go and not vaccinate or something?

Well it goes without saying that the results are from idiots using the footwear because only idiots would actually buy those things