
Probably just more of a fun cross reference, rather than a fullblown crossover, like ghouls in Fallout calling people “smoothskin”like Elder Scrolls Argonians do.

Holy incoherent manifesto Batman!

For real??? Don’t toy with my dreams like that!

His grace and courage in the face of such brutal cruel tragedy is really moving. I don’t know if I’d be capable of that if I were in his shoes. How about the wingnut weirdos who have latched onto this leave him the hell alone?

Post the reviewwww

But hey! Maybe they’ll have a non-shitty baseball to play in their stupid fucking new stadium!

Trading away a bunch of dynamic players in their mid-20’s in the name of “rebuilding” is hilarious to me. All of these guys were the result of “building for the future” projects of seasons past. So much for that!


Am I the only one who thought Alan Wake was terrible? Excellent list otherwise, though.

Fuck you.

FFXIII is the worst game in the entire franchise, and possibly one of the worst rpg’s I have ever played.

How can you even define what “looks like a Star Wars movie”? The prequels are widely panned for looking like soulless gaudy CGI crap, yet they make up HALF THE MOVIES.

“If only this game were an MMO, which we already have a shitton of!”

The 90’s are mythical to some people now.

If we outlaw chairs, then only outlaws will have chairs.

So sick of listening to this steakhead dipshit players make an already boring as fuck sport even more stuffy with some stupid arbitrary bro code.

Someone call the whaaaambulance for Dyson.

I was also a bit jarred by that. The Baron questline sets the bar so high, and then the rest of the game, while still quite deep and enjoyable, doesn’t deliver quiiite the level of interweaving intricacy. It almost made the rest of the game feel not fully realized.

What the hell kind of mealy mouthed “poor me” shit is that? Ohhh, liking the work of assholes is such a tough cross to bear! I was a huge Led Zepelin fan in high school, but then I learned that Jimmy Page basically kidnapped a 14 year old, and possibly stole some of his more famous riffs. Now I don’t listen to Led

Or maybe you’re a dumbshit