
I managed, and I have horrible reflexes/reaction time.

And 100% awesomeness

This exchange is very reddit.

What are you talking about?

Most of those were lame as fuck. If those were the best submissions, I'd hate to see the ones that didn't make the cut.

What is this Google of which you speak?!

Like condescendingly telling people how to talk is somehow being a champion for them. What kind of inane logic is this guy laboring under?

His usage of "until I can log into the game," as opposed to "until we can log into the game," makes all the difference.

Well I'm from Alabama, and think talking shit is good petty hilarious fun, heh. I also think Mississippi is marginally shittier than Alabama, but it's really a toss up.

Painting us with a pretty broad brush there, eh?

Have you been to either?

Who gives a shit?

Boo fucking hoo

Ahh, gotcha. Well, that sounds more like an indictment against American classism than the legal concepts of insanity. Although there is probably plenty of good criticism to be made against that, too.

In my work, I have never seen a state mental hospital that is anything like that. Was this guy a millionaire or something? I don't buy your rant at all.

Love Southern Pecan! I haven't tried many other offerings by Lazy Magnolia, but that is one of my favorites to get a six-pack of at the grocery store.

Well, good for him I say. If the CNN's and Fox News's of the world would do their jobs and ask serious questions and focus on serious ideas , we'd probably all be better off. It's pretty sad that a basketball show host would do such a better journalistic job than most of the talking heads on our major news outlets.

On the one hand, I don't want to begrudge someone trying to parlay their talents into making as good a living as they can, but on the other hand it's pretty annoying to see people so obsessed with spinning these narratives that are almost cliché-ridden enough to make a daytime soaps producer blush. Why isn't it

It's not petty name calling, if it's an objectively accurate label. This guy is about as nutty as wingnuts come. That you don't see that is an indication that you might want to re-evaluate...damn near everything about your worldview.

So you're just trolling then? Well alrighty then. And "false" opinion? Explain, please.