
Why does anyone get so emotionally attached to any sporting team?

Here's an idea: chill the fucking fuck out.

If GamerGate represents gamers, I disavow being one.

They seem pleasant.

I bet Tucker Max has AIDS.

To be fair, hating Clay Travis is a fine hobby.

Maybe while she's not on death's door?

Oh yeah? Well, I'm outraged by your outrage over my outrage over his outrage at other people's outrage!

And this athletic director seems about as rotten as any of them, so why not advocate for having him thrown out on his ass? Excuse me for relishing the thought of these students doing a good tarring and feathering to them :P

Your smugness/outrage at other peoples' outrage is much more productive, though.

I think it's a good question. The whole premise you're questioning seemed pretty contradictory.

Why would adults do something like this? Adults shouldn't do something like this.

"A football club is not a brand or some soulless corporation."

ESPN politics, how fascinating! /yawn

Guess I'll burn my Arsenal shirt then

I just puked a little.

Some people just don't know a deal when they see one! Harumph

You can have 12 million go-fuck-yourself's. How's that?

Being an asshole, now there's a good way to sell someone on the game! Why does it bother you so much that he doesn't share your opinion about it?

Yeah, I don't really get why you should have to get your dude to level 20-putting hours of time into the game to do so-to get to "the real game" within the game. Why not craft a compelling experience from beginning to end?