
Being an asshole, now there's a good way to sell someone on the game! Why does it bother you so much that he doesn't share your opinion about it?

Yeah, I don't really get why you should have to get your dude to level 20-putting hours of time into the game to do so-to get to "the real game" within the game. Why not craft a compelling experience from beginning to end?

And what reason do you for thinking that at all? He doesn't care about the fanfare? I guess rocking the "Captain" cleats, continuing to bat 2nd despite having a historically bad year, filming the corny Gatorade commercial, and going along with this whole dog and pony show is just supposed to be some kind of selfless



I can accept that.

This will haunt my dreams

Well, this pasty-faced manbaby seems pretty goddam awful at his job. Why pay this clown stacks of cash for advice on how to stick your foot in your mouth? Jeez

Very thoughtful and well-written analysis! And one that also has me wholly convinced that I don't need to bother picking it up again. I Redboxed the game and binge-played to about level six or so, and had a generally good time with it. But doing W0W-style farming for gear just to do that intense raid everyone is

Your indignation at other peoples' indignation proves...what, exactly? That you can be an obnoxious troll?

Thank you for that self-righteous cliche-laden little rant.

Why waste time for the born again Christian shit?

How did that not do some serious damage to his neck? Jesus Christ. It makes my neck hurt watching it.

Or maybe you're an idiot?

That new logo looks like shit too

I didn't realize "quoting a meme" was a Get out of Context Free card.

Someone tweeting something stupid as fuck? Egad!

Give them a chance to stop raping people guyz, jeez

"Diamondstein" sounds like such a made up name, in the same vein as "Saul Goodman."

That sounds horrible.