
I dated a bipolar girl in college who would on occasion flip right the fuck out and hit me (this was after we had 'broken up'). I did not hit her back. It was not a threat to anything other than my sanity. I very much doubt that Ray Rice's wife was a threat to him either, and it seems pretty fuckin disingenuous to

"I'll reserve judgment," says the man who has in fact almost definitely passed judgment.

Can we put a moratorium on people using the bitchy and inane phrase "clickbait" for a hot minute? What does that shit even mean? A lazy word for lazy thoughts.

So are we in store for more hamfisted enlightenment, or just some good ole fashioned backtracking?

"Baw gosh darn it, well the joke sucked anyway! Harumph!" Deflecting much, bruh?


And yet your own ideology leads you to dismiss every single thing someone said earlier out of hand with one half-assed blanket statement, and you don't mind declaring your own ideology to be "reality." Not making the best case for a strong sense of objectivity self-awareness, there. Hell, the fact that I called you on

Paprika and Tokyo Godfathers are two of my favorite movies, anime or otherwise, and Paranoia Agent is fucking awesome. The world definitely lost a tremendous talent when that man fell victim to pancreatic cancer :(

We can only hope.

I wasn't aware "loudmouth blowhard"="great orator."

Yeah, but the whole post was him asking how it supports said cause.

Ha! Uh, no shit? Point: missed.

Aren't you kind of implying...the exact opposite of what he's saying? Where did he say it's "not a cause"?

Well, that was a solid piece of commentary, but not on the subject that the NY Times intended.

A relatively short chapter compared to the whole history of upright mammals thing, and an eyeblink compared to the rest of the universe. And maybe he/she meant unsustainable as it was taught. Hell, look at all the different (some of them downright crazy) forms it has taken.

Is she making the ultimate strawman argument/ rant here, or what? Accuses Drake and everyone who laughed at his stupid fucking song of ascribing to moral relativism, and then goes on to denounce the dangers of said moral relativism. Not sure if Evil Knievel could have made that leap.

Because shoving and punching people just because they can is the kind of behavior you want to see from the people who our tax dollars give weapons to, and entrust with upholding our laws.

No. Dude wasn't wrong in any of his assertions. Reality is reality, no matter your personal feminist ideals compel you to say.