SirKnows DevoidofPunk

I'm from Chicago. Specifically, I'm from the hood in Chicago…I left about 5 years ago.

We gotta stop looking to 2520's for validation. Just randomly pick movies and watch 'em.


Sure was. Stood right there and let that little girl get manhandled… Terrible teaching. Terrible.

Gumbo Cheese Fries? Waffles made of Mac and Cheese?

I like the NBA because Steph Curry, Blake, Westbrook, D. Lillard, Zach Levin (2015 Slam Dunk WInner)… Go right down the rosters and you'll see that all the lightskinned-ed-ed fellows and them tall Euro dudes is taking over again.

Yeah, nothing about this is a victory for black students.

but Rachel is not a costume… that's her authentic being. we blackfolk just "don't get it"…

yup. my personal life experiences are all lies. I bet if I had said Halloween is great and there's no such thing as racism and Blackpeople need to get over blackface you'd type "truth."

i just googled that video. OMG!!!! I'm going to church and showing my pastor.

I hear you… WOMAN is definitely not as "good" as Light of The Sun" imo. They feel very different. WOMAN is very lowkey and chill.

I'm old now. Lemme see another afro wig on a white girl… That mess is comin right off one way or the other.

It's weird 'cuz I didn't start seeing all this racist Halloween -ish until I got to college—I went to a mostly black high school. It never crossed our minds to dress up in whiteface or make fun of other ethnic groups like that. You wanted to be something you REALLY WANTED. To be so damn petty as to spend time dressing

L'Chaim, Max!!!!

thank you, Jules. :)

If you want old ratchets, watch THE VIEW. if you want younger ratchets watch CBS. or anything with Lena Dunham, Amy Schumer, etc… just tired sloppy ratchets all around.

2 terms… that lousy sheisty summabish got two terms….


This is greatness, Damon.

They don't want it with Jazmine… or Angie Stone or Jaguar Wright or Joi or none of these sistas… Sad part is Adele prolly got some Jasmine on her iTunes and Jaz prolly got some Adele on hers.