Commander Spicer

Warner is lowkey (but getting higher all the time) the worst one of these habitual vichy dorks

Yeah, I dunno, we just never even considered it. My wife is the type who went from “I dunno if I ever want to get officially married” to “I don’t think I want my dad to give me away” so when she ended up bending on those things I just never expected her to do anything about her name.

Actually I do once remember joking

I actually did get this once as a non-ethnic person. For a long time I drove my wife’s old car after she got a new one and we never bothered to put the registration in my name. Got pulled over once and the cop pulled up all his information and then came back and said, “Pop quiz: Whose name is on the registration?”

It really does feel like a boomer thing that’s slowly dying off.

Jesus. I’m sorry you have to do that.

We didn’t like the idea of hyphenating since our names don’t sound that great together so we just picked whichever one sounded best with the first and middle names we picked. Ended up being mine.

Well, our daughter has my last name. Our criteria since we didn’t want to hyphenate (Jewish-Irish makes for kind of a yucky combination name) was that we’d basically choose the one that sounded best with the first and middle names we liked. If not having the same last name as our daughter bothers my wife she’s never

Yeah, we have a daughter. She has my last name. We just liked how it sounded better with the first name we picked. That was kind of the original criteria for which name we’d use cause neither of us liked the idea of hyphenating, and now I guess we’re probably stuck with it so that at least our kids have the same last

I mean, I think its increasingly normal here too. I remember as a kid people always thought my parents must be divorced or something because they had different last names and often showed up for things like parent-teacher conferences without each other (my dad was mostly stay-at-home when I was younger and my mom

Never understood why anyone changes their name in marriage at all. My wife didn’t change hers, neither did my mom, so maybe I’ve got a warped perspective on this.

I’ve forgotten more than you know about this conflict, you dumb cunt.

There shouldn’t be a border in the first place and if you can’t understand that you’re beyond hope. Fuck off and die.

Yeah it really seems like Israel is on track to allow that sort of thing what with blowing people (including journalists!) away for getting too close to the border fence.

Nobody thinks they should, you dumb fuck, but it would be nice if they would fully enfranchise Palestinians and treat them as equals rather than shooting them and penning them up in open air prisons.

There were some keeper drills I had to do that definitely felt like hazing. I remember one where they basically lined up five or six balls directly in front of the net. I begin lying on my side a couple of inches away from the ball between them and the goal and basically have to go up the line and stop each ball

I think it’s all about degree. When I was playing soccer in high school we would start every practice with a mile long run through a wilderness course on our campus. Lot of bushes and stuff. Every single new guy would, at some point or another during two-a-days in the summer, get slapped in the dick by someone jumping

“Dopey Chicago sports columnist” really doesn’t narrow it down at all

Dude I don’t even like playing catch with my two year old. Obviously she can barely throw but that shit could end up anywhere. She actually has a pretty decent arm for a toddler so I’m dreading when she gets a little older and actually wants to play ball. I still do it because I’ve trained her to say “KOBE!” and/or

I dunno but I always found it really funny the way the camera would sort of linger on them after any low foul ball to see who broke first and then you’d get replays to see if anyone flinched.

this reminds me of my longstanding theory that Tom Brady is a huge fan of the Last Samurai.